- basal cement
базальный цемент
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium
base — 1. The lower part or bottom; the part of a pyramidal or conical structure opposite the apex; the foundation. SYN: basis [TA], basement (1). 2. In pharmacy, the chief ingredient of a mixture. 3. In chemistry, an … Medical dictionary
Disease — Illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). Disruption sequence: The events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the… … Medical dictionary
Talc — magnesium silicate redirects here. For the synthetic form, see synthetic magnesium silicate. Talc Three pieces of Talc. General Category Silicate mineral … Wikipedia
Buzzi Unicem — SpA Création 1999 (Fusion Buzzi et Unicem) Dates clés 1872 création Unicem 1907 création Buzzi 2001 prise participation dans Dyckerhoff Forme juridique SA … Wikipédia en Français
cirripede — ▪ crustacean Introduction any of the marine crustaceans of the infraclass Cirripedia (subphylum Crustacea). The best known are the barnacles. Adult cirripedes other than barnacles are internal parasites of marine invertebrates such as crabs … Universalium
integument — /in teg yeuh meuhnt/, n. 1. a natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind. 2. any covering, coating, enclosure, etc. [1605 15; < L integumentum a covering. See IN 2, TEGUMENT] Syn. 1. cortex, involucre, involucrum. * * * Covering of the body,… … Universalium
environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… … Universalium
gastropod — /gas treuh pod /, n. 1. any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc. adj. 2. Also, gastropodous /ga strop euh deuhs/. belonging or pertaining to the gastropods. [1820 30; < NL Gast(e)ropoda a class of mollusks.… … Universalium
Scelidosaurus — Taxobox name = Scelidosaurus fossil range = Early Jurassic image width = 250px image caption = Scelidosaurus regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Dinosauria ordo = Ornithischia subordo = Thyreophora infraordo =… … Wikipedia
substantia — SYN: substance. [L.] s. adamantina SYN: enamel. s. alba SYN: white matter. basal s. [TA] basal structures associated with the amygdaloid complex and its connections; includes the basal nucleus [TA] ( … Medical dictionary