safety locking

safety locking
защитная блокировка

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "safety locking" в других словарях:

  • Safety wire — Safety wiring of two pairs of drilled head bolts Safety wire or lockwire is common in the aircraft and racing industries as an extra precaution to keep vital fasteners from unintentionally loosening and parts from falling off due to vibration or… …   Wikipedia

  • Locking clothing — is designed to prevent wearers from disrobing when doing so is inappropriate. Those who may need such clothes include older adults with old age conditions such as Alzheimer s Disease, or younger adults and children with disorders from birth. an… …   Wikipedia

  • safety — or safety man [sāf′tē] n. pl. safeties [ME sauvete < MFr sauveté < OFr salvetet < ML salvitas, safety < L salvus: see SAFE] 1. the quality or condition of being safe; freedom from danger, injury, or damage; security 2. any of certain… …   English World dictionary

  • Safety (firearms) — This article is about the mechanical safety devices built into most firearms. For the main article about firearm safety education, see Gun safety. Close up shot of a safety of an M16A2 rifle. In firearms, a safety or safety catch is a mechanism… …   Wikipedia

  • safety — /sayf tee/, n., pl. safeties. 1. the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. 2. the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss. 3. a contrivance or device to prevent injury or avert… …   Universalium

  • safety — n. (pl. ies) 1 the condition of being safe; freedom from danger or risks. 2 (attrib.) a designating any of various devices for preventing injury from machinery (safety bar; safety lock). b designating items of protective clothing (safety helmet) …   Useful english dictionary

  • safety catch — noun guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired • Syn: ↑safety lock • Hypernyms: ↑guard, ↑safety, ↑safety device • Part Holonyms: ↑gun * * * safety catch …   Useful english dictionary

  • Safety harness — A safety harness is a form of protective equipment designed to protect a person, animal, or object from injury or damage. The harness is an attachment between a stationary and non stationary object and is usually fabricated from rope, cable or… …   Wikipedia

  • safety lock — noun 1. a bolt that cannot be moved from outside the door or gate • Syn: ↑safety bolt • Hypernyms: ↑bolt, ↑deadbolt 2. guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired • Syn: ↑safety catch …   Useful english dictionary

  • safety hook — a hook that can be transformed into an eye by locking a hinged piece in place. [1870 75] * * * …   Universalium

  • safety wire — A wire made of galvanized low carbon, or annealed stainless, steel or brass that is used to secure bolts, pins, clips, and other fasteners so that they will not vibrate loose in operation. Also called locking wire or lockwire …   Aviation dictionary

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