- S-wave source
источник поперечных волн
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Wave field synthesis — (WFS) is a spatial audio rendering technique, characterized by creation of virtual acoustic environments. It produces artificial wave fronts synthesized by a large number of individually driven speakers. Such wave fronts seem to originate from a… … Wikipedia
Wave turbulence — is a set of waves deviated far from thermal equilibrium. Such state is accompanied by dissipation. It is either decaying turbulence or requires external source of energy to sustain it. Examples are waves on a fluid surface excited by winds or… … Wikipedia
Source Engine — est un moteur de jeu créé par la société Valve Software pour les besoins de son jeu Half Life 2 (HL²). A la base, le Source engine est une refonte du moteur de Quake. C est un moteur complet qui gère graphisme, son et interactions physiques. Ces… … Wikipédia en Français
Source engine — est un moteur de jeu créé par la société Valve Software pour les besoins de son jeu Half Life 2 (HL²). A la base, le Source engine est une refonte du moteur de Quake. C est un moteur complet qui gère graphisme, son et interactions physiques. Ces… … Wikipédia en Français
Source (moteur de jeu) — Développeur Valve Software Écrit en C++ … Wikipédia en Français
Wave making resistance — is a form of drag that affects surface watercraft, such as boats and ships, and reflects the energy required to push the water out of the way of the hull. This energy goes into creating the wake.PhysicsFor small displacement hulls, such as… … Wikipedia
wave — [wāv] vi. waved, waving [ME waven < OE wafian, akin to Ger waben, to fluctuate < IE * webh , to move to and fro, prob. identical with * webh , to WEAVE] 1. to move up and down or back and forth in a curving or undulating motion; swing, sway … English World dictionary
wave train — n. Physics a series of waves coming from the same source at regular intervals … English World dictionary
Source term — can refer to:*A measure of radioactive contamination *One of the terms in a linear differential equation, especially a wave equation … Wikipedia
Wave equation — Not to be confused with Wave function. The wave equation is an important second order linear partial differential equation for the description of waves – as they occur in physics – such as sound waves, light waves and water waves. It arises in… … Wikipedia
Wave vector — A wave vector is a vector representation of a wave. The wave vector has magnitude indicating wavenumber (reciprocal of wavelength), and the direction of the vector indicates the direction of wave propagation.The wave vector is most useful for… … Wikipedia