run-off coefficient

run-off coefficient
коэффициент стока
отношение слоя стока к слою осадков

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "run-off coefficient" в других словарях:

  • Phi coefficient — In statistics, the phi coefficient (also referred to as the mean square contingency coefficient and denoted by φ or rφ) is a measure of association for two binary variables introduced by Karl Pearson[1]. This measure is similar to the Pearson… …   Wikipedia

  • коэффициент стока — Отношение величины (объема или слоя) стока к количеству выпавших на площадь водосбора осадков, обусловивших возникновение стока. [ГОСТ 19179 73] Тематики гидрология суши Обобщающие термины сток и водный баланс EN run off coefficient DE… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Glossary of environmental science — This is a glossary of environmental science.Environmental science is the study of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and… …   Wikipedia

  • History of post-Soviet Russia — With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the Russian Federation became an independent country. Russia was the largest of the fifteen republics that made up the Soviet Union, accounting for over 60% of the GDP and over half of… …   Wikipedia

  • Rain garden — A rain garden is a planted depression that is designed to absorb rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, and compacted lawn areas. This reduces rain runoff by allowing stormwater to soak into the ground (as… …   Wikipedia

  • Permeable paving — Permeable paving, is different than pervious paving or porous pavement, by virtue of the fact that rainwater passes around the paver as opposed to passing through the paver helping to reduce or eliminate clogging found in pervious or porous… …   Wikipedia

  • Colombia — This article is about the country. For other uses and spellings, see Colombia (disambiguation) and Colombia (disambiguation). Republic of Colombia República de Colombia (Spanish) …   Wikipedia

  • Iron — Fe redirects here. For other uses, see Fe (disambiguation). This article is about the chemical element. For other uses, see Iron (disambiguation). manganese …   Wikipedia

  • Hydroplaning (tires) — Hydroplaning or aquaplaning by a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water builds between the rubber tires of the vehicle and the road surface, leading to the loss of traction and thus preventing the vehicle from responding to control inputs such …   Wikipedia

  • Tungsten — (pronEng|ˈtʌŋstən), also known as wolfram (IPA|/ˈwʊlfrəm/), is a chemical element that has the symbol W and atomic number 74.A steel gray metal, tungsten is found in several ores, including wolframite and scheelite. It is remarkable for its… …   Wikipedia

  • Namibia — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Namibia <p></p> Background: <p></p> South Africa occupied the German colony of South West Africa during World War I and administered it as a mandate until after World… …   The World Factbook

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