- rounded pebbles
скатанная галька
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Painted pebbles — are a class of Pictish artifact unique to northern Scotland in the first millennium AD. Appearance They are small rounded beach pebbles made of quartzite, which have been painted with simple designs in a dye which is now dark brown in colour. The … Wikipedia
Bunter (geology) — Bunter beds are sandstone deposits containing rounded pebbles, such as can notably be found in Warwickshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, Devon and Dorset in England. They are thought to be alluvial deposits and, judging from the… … Wikipedia
Hoabinhian — The term Hoabinhian (Vietnamese: Văn hóa Hòa Bình ) was first used by French archaeologists working in Northern Vietnam to describe Holocene period archaeological assemblages excavated from rock shelters. It has become a common term to describe… … Wikipedia
Tuff — (from the Italian tufo ) is a type of rock consisting of consolidated volcanic ash ejected from vents during a volcanic eruption. Tuff should not be confused with tufa , another type of rock. Volcanic ashThe products of a volcanic eruption are… … Wikipedia
marble — marbler, n. /mahr beuhl/, n., adj., v., marbled, marbling. n. 1. metamorphosed limestone, consisting chiefly of recrystallized calcite or dolomite, capable of taking a high polish, occurring in a wide range of colors and variegations and used in… … Universalium
Marble — /mahr beuhl/, n. Alice, 1913 90, U.S. tennis player. * * * Granular limestone or dolomite that has recrystallized under the influence of heat, pressure, and aqueous solutions. The main mineral in marble is calcite. Commercially, marble includes… … Universalium
Church Ope Cove — The cove, seen from the church ruins. Church Ope Cove is a small secluded beach on the sheltered eastern side of the Isle of Portland in Dorset, southern England.[1] The beach has many unusual features for the Isle of Portland. To access the… … Wikipedia
скатанная галька — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN rounded pebbleswater worn pebbles … Справочник технического переводчика
chlorastrolite — klōrˈastrəˌlīt noun ( s) Etymology: chlor + astr + lite : a mineral like prehnite that occurs as green pebbles of a stellate structure and is found near Lake Superior * * * chlorastrolite Min. (klɒˈræstrəlaɪt) [Named 1837; f. Gr. χλωρ ός green +… … Useful english dictionary
Hand axe — Acheulean hand axes from Kent. The types shown are (clockwise from top) cordate, ficron and ovate … Wikipedia
Marange diamond fields — … Wikipedia