rotating drum

rotating drum
вращающий барабан

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "rotating drum" в других словарях:

  • Drum brake — A drum brake with the drum removed as used on the rear wheel of a car or truck. Note that in this installation, a cable operated parking brake uses the service shoes …   Wikipedia

  • drum printer — noun a line printer in which the type is mounted on a rotating drum that contains a full character set for each printing position • Hypernyms: ↑line printer, ↑line at a time printer * * * Computers. a line printer that uses a rotating drum with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drum brake — noun Date: 1950 a brake that operates by the friction of usually a pair of shoes pressing against the inner surface of the cylinder of a rotating drum compare disc brake …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • drum printer — Computers. a line printer that uses a rotating drum with raised characters, against which the paper is pressed. [1965 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • Drum Workshop — (DW) Type Private Founded Santa Monica, California, USA (1972) Headquarters Oxnard, California, USA …   Wikipedia

  • Drum machine — For the Windows drumming program, see Drum Machine (software). For the early drum machine computers that used a rotating cylinder as their main memory, see drum memory A Yamaha RY30 Drum Machine A drum machine is an electronic musical instrument… …   Wikipedia

  • Drum and bass — DnB redirects here. For the Norwegian bank, see DnB NOR. Drum and bass Stylistic origins Jungle, Breakbeat Hardcore, Hip Hop, Funk Cultural origins early/mid 1990s; Bristol and London, United Kingdom Typical instrume …   Wikipedia

  • drum stuffing — noun : a rapid method of stuffing a leather by rotating it in a heated drum until warm, adding liquid grease to the drum, and then rotating again for a short time …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drum Buddy — Quintron playing Drum Buddy The Drum Buddy, invented by New Orleans Ninth Ward one man band Quintron, is a light activated oscillating drum machine which operates on the principles of an optical theremin. An electronic instrument developed in the …   Wikipedia

  • drum table — a table having a cylindrical top with drawers or shelves in the skirt, rotating on a central post with three or four outwardly curving legs. Also called capstan table. * * * ▪ furniture       heavy circular table with a central support, which was …   Universalium

  • drum table — noun : a round topped table supported on a central pedestal with a deep apron often containing drawers * * * a table having a cylindrical top with drawers or shelves in the skirt, rotating on a central post with three or four outwardly curving… …   Useful english dictionary

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