rocker bearing

rocker bearing
катковая опора

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "rocker bearing" в других словарях:

  • Rocker arm — Generally referred to within the internal combustion engine of automotive, marine, motorcycle and reciprocating aviation engines, the rocker arm is a reciprocating lever that conveys radial information from the cam lobe into linear information at …   Wikipedia

  • Roller rocker — A roller rocker is a rocker assembly that uses bearings instead of metal sliding on metal.A cam/rocker assembly uses a normal cam, but the rocker has a wheel on the end of it like that of a measuring wheel, which rolls by the use of needle roller …   Wikipedia

  • Needle roller bearing — A needle roller bearing A needle roller bearing is a bearing which uses small cylindrical rollers. They are used to reduce friction of a rotating surface. Needle bearings have a large surface area that is in contact with the bearing outer… …   Wikipedia

  • Gl. — 1) Gleis EN track, rail 2) Glück EN luck; happiness 3) Glocke EN bell; cover 4) Gliederung EN structure, organization; arrangement 5) Glied …   Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen

  • Dobsonian telescope — A Dobsonian telescope on display at Stellafane in the early 1980s A Dobsonian telescope is an alt azimuth mounted newtonian telescope design popularized by the amateur astronomer John Dobson starting in the 1960s. Dobson s telescopes featured a… …   Wikipedia

  • gasoline engine — Most widely used form of internal combustion engine, found in most automobiles and many other vehicles. Gasoline engines vary significantly in size, weight per unit of power generated, and arrangement of components. The principal type is the… …   Universalium

  • Gold rush tools and methods — A variety of tools and methods were used during the Gold rushes of the 19th century. This article covers the tools and methods used during the California Gold Rush, the Fraser River Gold Rush, the Cariboo Gold Rush, and the Klondike Gold Rush.… …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrolet Big-Block engine — The Chevrolet big block is a series of large displacement V8 engines that were developed in the USA during the 1950s and 1960s. As American automobiles grew in size and weight following the Second World War the engines powering them had to keep… …   Wikipedia

  • Pontiac V8 engine — From 1955 to 1981 the Pontiac Division of General Motors manufactured its own, unique V8 engines, distinct from Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, or Oldsmobile. Displacement began at 287 in³ and grew as large as 455 in³ (7.5 L) by 1970. Pontiac s… …   Wikipedia

  • Continuous variable valve timing — offers a unique ability to have independent control of the intake and exhaust valves in an internal combustion engine. For any engine load criteria, the timing of intake and exhaust can be independently programmed [1]. The main variations of… …   Wikipedia

  • printmaking — /print may king/, n. the art or technique of making prints, esp. as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy. [1925 30; PRINT + MAKING] * * * Art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but… …   Universalium

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