- acoustic positioning
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler — Head of an ADCP with the four transducers ADCP view ahead, mo … Wikipedia
Acoustic network — An acoustic network is a method of positioning equipment using sound waves. It is primarily used in water, and can be as small or as large as required by the users specifications.The simplest acoustic network consists of one measurement resulting … Wikipedia
Dynamic positioning — Offshore Support Vessel Toisa Perseus with, in the background, the fifth generation deepwater drillship Discoverer Enterprise, over the Thunder Horse Oil Field. Both are equipped with DP systems. Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer controlled… … Wikipedia
Long base line sonar — Long Base Line, commonly referred to as LBL, is a method of acoustic positioning commonly used in deep water (water depth of greater than 3000 feet). A typical LBL positioning system consists of a transceiver and several beacons arranged into a… … Wikipedia
Autonomous underwater vehicle — Picture taken from the HSV Swift by an employee of Bluefin Robotics Corporation during a US Navy exercise … Wikipedia
Underwater archaeology — is the study of past human life, behaviours and cultures using the physical remains found in salt or fresh water or buried beneath water logged sedimentMuckelroy, K., Maritime archaeology. Cambridge University Press 1978. ISBN 0 521 29348 0] . It … Wikipedia
Sediment Profile Imagery — (SPI) is an underwater technique for photographing the interface between the seabed and the overlying water. The technique is used to measure or estimate biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in the first few centimetres of… … Wikipedia
ANTARES (telescope) — ANTARES is the name of a neutrino telescope residing in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Toulon, France. It will observe neutrinos from the Southern Hemisphere to complement the northern hemisphere work of IceCube. The name comes from… … Wikipedia
Ultra-short baseline — USBL (Ultra short baseline) is a method of underwater acoustic positioning. A complete USBL system consists of a transceiver, which is mounted on a pole under a ship, and a transponder/responder on the seafloor, a towfish, or on a ROV. A computer … Wikipedia
Attitude dynamics and control — The attitude of a body is its orientation as perceived in a certain frame of reference; providing a vector along which a spacecraft is pointing is a description of its attitude. Dynamics is the term for the modeling of changing conditions, due to … Wikipedia
RV Roger Revelle (AGOR-24) — R/V Roger Revelle is a research vessel operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography under charter agreement with Office of Naval Research. It was named for scientist Roger Revelle.Built in Mississippi Roger Revelle was built by Halter Marine… … Wikipedia