acoustic modeling

acoustic modeling
моделирование волнового поля акустических волн
моделирование волнового поля продольных волн

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "acoustic modeling" в других словарях:

  • Acoustic thermometry — of Ocean Climate (ATOC) is an idea to observe the state of the world s oceans, and the ocean climate in particular, using long range acoustic transmissions. Prototype measurements of temperature have been made in the North Pacific Basin and… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic analogy — Acoustic analogies are applied mostly in numerical aeroacoustics to reduce aeroacoustic sound sources to simple emitter types. They are therefore often also referred to as aeroacoustic analogies.In general, aeroacoustic analogies are derived from …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic Physical Modeling —   [dt. »physikalische Modellierung von akustischen (Vorgängen)«], PM …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Acoustic transmission lines — An acoustic transmission line is the acoustic analog of the electrical transmission line, typically thought of as a rigid walled tube that is long and thin relative to the wavelength of sound present in it. Pipe organs, woodwinds, and the like… …   Wikipedia

  • Acoustic Design Modeling — offizielles ADM Logo Acoustic Design Modeling (ADM) ist eine psychoakustische Technologie der Serious Sound Labs Ltd., Birmingham, die eine 5.1 Raumklangsimulation von einer Akustik Quelle aus verwirklicht. Das Verfahren kommt meist in Kopfhörern …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Acoustic design modeling — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ocean acoustic tomography — The western North Atlantic showing the locations of two experiments that employed ocean acoustic tomography. AMODE, the Acoustic Mid Ocean Dynamics Experiment (1990 1), was designed to study ocean dynamics in an area away from the Gulf Stream,… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio acoustic sounding system — A radio acoustic sounding system (RASS) is a system for measuring the atmospheric lapse rate using backscattering of radio waves from an acoustic wave front to measure the speed of sound at various heights above the ground. This is possible… …   Wikipedia

  • Variax — is a line of modeling guitars marketed and developed by Line 6. It claims to be the first guitar able to emulate the tones of 25 other guitars, including notable models by Fender, Gibson and many others. It also has a banjo and a sitar tone. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Speech recognition — For the human linguistic concept, see Speech perception. The display of the Speech Recognition screensaver on a PC, in which the character responds to questions, e.g. Where are you? or statements, e.g. Hello. Speech recognition (also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Lloyd Trammell — Earnest Lloyd Trammell (January 31, 1953 ) is an American inventor in the field of dimensional sound processing.HistoryIn 2001, the KOSMOS dynamic phasing technology debuts and is praised by top studio producers such as Kevin Shirley, who uses it …   Wikipedia

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