- barium carbonate
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Barium carbonate — Chembox new Name = Barium carbonate ImageFile=Barium carbonate.png ImageSize=120px OtherNames = witherite Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 513 77 9 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = BaCO3 MolarMass = 197.336 g/mol Appearance = white… … Wikipedia
barium carbonate — noun : a water insoluble toxic salt BaCO3 occurring in nature as witherite, made artificially by precipitation as a white powder, and used chiefly in making other barium compounds, in removing sulfates from aqueous solutions, in ceramics as a… … Useful english dictionary
barium carbonate — bario karbonatas statusas T sritis chemija formulė BaCO₃ atitikmenys: angl. barium carbonate rus. барий углекислый; бария карбонат ryšiai: sinonimas – bario trioksokarbonatas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
barium carbonate — Chem. a white, poisonous, water insoluble powder, BaCO3, used chiefly in the manufacture of rodenticides, paints, and dyes. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
Barium — (pronEng|ˈbɛəriəm) is a chemical element. It has the symbol Ba, and atomic number 56. Barium is a soft silvery metallic alkaline earth metal. It is never found in nature in its pure form due to its reactivity with air. Its oxide is historically… … Wikipedia
Barium nitrate — Barium nitrate … Wikipedia
Barium chlorate — Other names Chloric acid barium salt Identifiers CAS number … Wikipedia
barium oxide — n. a toxic, white powder, BaO, formed by decomposing barium carbonate at high temperature: it reacts vigorously with water to form the hydroxide … English World dictionary
barium — /bair ee euhm, bar /, n. Chem. a whitish, malleable, active, divalent, metallic element, occurring in combination chiefly as barite or as witherite. Symbol: Ba; at. wt.: 137.34; at. no.: 56; sp. gr.: 3.5 at 20°C. [1800 10; BAR(YTES) + IUM] * * *… … Universalium
Barium hydroxide — Chembox new Name = Barium hydroxide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 17194 00 2 RTECS = CQ9200000 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Ba(OH)2 MolarMass = 171.342 g/mol (anhydrous) 189.36 g/mol (monohydrate) 315.46 g/mol (octahydrate)… … Wikipedia
Barium chloride — Chembox new Name = Barium chloride ImageFile = Barium chloride.jpg ImageSize = 200px ImageName = Barium chloride Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 10361 37 2 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = BaCl2 (anhydrous) BaCl2 middot;2H2O… … Wikipedia