- rifling
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Rifling — refers to the helix shaped pattern in the barrel of a firearm, which imparts a spin to a projectile around its long axis. This spin serves to gyroscopically stabilize the projectile, improving its aerodynamic stability and accuracy.Rifling is… … Wikipedia
Rifling — Ri fling, n. (a) The act or process of making the grooves in a rifled cannon or gun barrel. (b) The system of grooves in a rifled gun barrel or cannon. [1913 Webster] {Shunt rifling}, rifling for cannon, in which one side of the groove is made… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rifling — [rīf′liŋ] n. 1. the cutting of spiral grooves on the inside of a gun barrel to make the projectile spin when fired, thus giving the shot greater accuracy and distance 2. a series or system of such grooves … English World dictionary
rifling — noun a) The act or process of making the grooves in a rifled cannon or gun barrel. b) The system of grooves in a rifled gun barrel or cannon. Shunt rifling, rifling for cannon, in which one side of the groove is made deeper than the other, to… … Wiktionary
Rifling — Rifle Ri fle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rifled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rifling}.] [F. rifler to rifle, sweep away; of uncertain origin. CF. {Raff}.] 1. To seize and bear away by force; to snatch away; to carry off. [1913 Webster] Till time shall rifle… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rifling Methods — 1. broach, gang a tool having a series of cutting edges of slightly increasing height used to cut the spiral grooves in a barrel. 2. broach, single a non adjustable rifling cutter which cuts all of the grooves simultaneously, and is used in … Forensic science glossary
rifling groove — graižtva statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pabūklo (pistoleto, šautuvo) vamzdžio įvija, suteikianti sviediniui (kulkai) sukamąjį judesį; įvairių šaunamųjų ginklų vamzdžio kanalo graižtvinė dalis. Graižtvos forma ir skaičius skiriasi: vieni… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
rifling — noun Date: 1797 1. the act or process of making spiral grooves 2. a system of spiral grooves in the surface of the bore of a gun causing a projectile when fired to rotate about its longer axis … New Collegiate Dictionary
rifling — rifling1 /ruy fling/, n. 1. the act or process of cutting spiral grooves in a gun barrel, pipe, etc. 2. the system of spiral grooves so cut. [1790 1800; RIFLE1 + ING1] rifling2 /ruy fling/, n. the act or process of ransacking or robbing. [RIFLE2… … Universalium
rifling — ri·fling || raɪflɪŋ n. cutting of grooves in the barrel of a firearm; grooves in the barrel of a firearm ri·fle || raɪfl n. firearm with spiral grooves carved inside the gun barrel (causes the bullet to spin and improves accuracy) v. steal … English contemporary dictionary
rifling — noun spiral grooves on the inside of a rifle barrel … English new terms dictionary