ridge of high pressure

ridge of high pressure
гребень высокого давления

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "ridge of high pressure" в других словарях:

  • ridge of high pressure — A ridge is an area of high pressure that does not have a closed circulation; it either extends from a high pressure area or is sandwiched between a couple of lows. More often than not, a ridge of high pressure divides two low pressure areas. It… …   Aviation dictionary

  • tongue of high pressure — A pressure system dividing two low pressure areas. It also may be indicated by isobars extending from a high and is always rounded, never V shaped as sometimes occurs in a trough of low pressure. Also known as a wedge of high pressure or a ridge… …   Aviation dictionary

  • wedge of high pressure — A pressure system dividing two low pressure areas. It may also be indicated by isobars extending from a high. It is always rounded and never V shaped, as sometimes occurs in a trough of low pressure. Also known as a tongue of high pressure or a… …   Aviation dictionary

  • ridge — [rıdʒ] n [: Old English; Origin: hrycg] 1.) a long area of high land, especially at the top of a mountain ▪ We made our way carefully along the ridge. 2.) a) something long and thin that is raised above the things around it ▪ A small ridge of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ridge — 1 noun (C) 1 a long area of high land, especially at the top of a mountain: a windswept ridge 2 a) a line of something that rises above a surface: a ridge of boulders | a sandy ridge b) a long narrow raised part of a surface: The ridges on the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pressure — pres|sure1 W1S1 [ˈpreʃə US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(persuade)¦ 2¦(anxiety/overwork)¦ 3¦(causing change)¦ 4¦(weight)¦ 5¦(gas/liquid)¦ 6¦(weather)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: pressura, from premere; PRESS2] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ridge — [rij] n. [ME rigge < OE hrycg, akin to ON hrygr, backbone, Ger rücken, back < IE * (s)kreuk , a hump, mound < base * (s)ker , to bend > L curvus, bent, circus, a ring] 1. Obs. an animal s spine or back 2. the long, narrow top or crest …   English World dictionary

  • ridge — [ rıdʒ ] noun count ** 1. ) the long narrow top of a mountain or group of mountains: The log cabin is set on a ridge in the Blue Ridge Mountains. 2. ) a long narrow raised line along the surface of something: Tires had thrown the mud into ridges …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ridge — ridgelike, adj. /rij/, n., v., ridged, ridging. n. 1. a long, narrow elevation of land; a chain of hills or mountains. 2. the long and narrow upper edge, angle, or crest of something, as a hill, wave, or vault. 3. the back of an animal. 4. any… …   Universalium

  • ridge */*/ — UK [rɪdʒ] / US noun [countable] Word forms ridge : singular ridge plural ridges 1) the long narrow top of a mountain or group of mountains The cottage is set on a ridge in the Chiltern Hills. 2) a long narrow raised line along the surface of… …   English dictionary

  • ridge — I. /rɪdʒ / (say rij) noun 1. a long, narrow elevation of land, or a chain of hills or mountains. 2. the long and narrow upper part or crest of something, as of an animal s back, a hill, a wave, etc. 3. Obsolete the back of an animal. 4. any… …  

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