- rhombohedral
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Rhombohedral — Rhom bo*he dral, a. (Geom. & Crystallog.) Related to the rhombohedron; presenting the form of a rhombohedron, or a form derivable from a rhombohedron; relating to a system of forms including the rhombohedron and scalenohedron. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rhombohedral — [räm΄bə hē′drəl] adj. 1. of or having to do with a rhombohedron 2. designating or of a crystal system having three axes of equal length, none of which intersects at right angles with another: see CRYSTAL SYSTEM * * * See rhombohedron. * * * … Universalium
rhombohedral — [räm΄bə hē′drəl] adj. 1. of or having to do with a rhombohedron 2. designating or of a crystal system having three axes of equal length, none of which intersects at right angles with another: see CRYSTAL SYSTEM … English World dictionary
Rhombohedral iron ore — Rhombohedral Rhom bo*he dral, a. (Geom. & Crystallog.) Related to the rhombohedron; presenting the form of a rhombohedron, or a form derivable from a rhombohedron; relating to a system of forms including the rhombohedron and scalenohedron. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rhombohedral system — Rhombohedral Rhom bo*he dral, a. (Geom. & Crystallog.) Related to the rhombohedron; presenting the form of a rhombohedron, or a form derivable from a rhombohedron; relating to a system of forms including the rhombohedron and scalenohedron. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rhombohedral crystal system — In crystallography, the rhombohedral (or trigonal) crystal system is one of the seven lattice point groups, named after the two dimensional rhombus. A crystal system is described by three basis vectors. In the rhombohedral system, the crystal is… … Wikipedia
rhombohedral iron ore — Hematite Hem a*tite, n. [L. haematites, Gr. ? bloodlike, fr. a i^ma, a i matos, blood.] (Min.) An important ore of iron, the sesquioxide, so called because of the red color of the powder. It occurs in splendent rhombohedral crystals, and in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rhombohedral cleavage — Cleavage Cleav age, n. 1. The act of cleaving or splitting. [1913 Webster] 2. (Crystallog.) The quality possessed by many crystallized substances of splitting readily in one or more definite directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rhombohedral emerald malachite — Dioptase Dioptase Catégorie IX : silicates Dioptase du Kazakhstan … Wikipédia en Français
rhombohedral structure — romboedrinė sandara statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rhombohedral structure vok. rhomboedrische Struktur, f rus. ромбоэдрическая структура, f pranc. structure rhomboédrique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
rhombohedral — adjective see rhombohedron … New Collegiate Dictionary