- retrenchment
• зачистка траншей• повторное рытье траншей
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Retrenchment — Re*trench ment, n. [Cf. F. retrenchment.] 1. The act or process of retrenching; as, the retrenchment of words in a writing. [1913 Webster] The retrenchment of my expenses will convince you that ? mean to replace your fortune as far as I can.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
retrenchment — index curtailment, decrease Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
retrenchment — (n.) c.1600, from Fr. retrenchement a cutting off or out, from retrencher (see RETRENCH (Cf. retrench)). Military sense is recorded from 1580s; see TRENCH (Cf. trench) … Etymology dictionary
retrenchment — [rē trench′mənt] n. [MFr] 1. a retrenching; esp., a reduction of expenses 2. a rampart or breastwork within the main fortification … English World dictionary
retrenchment — retrench re‧trench [rɪˈtrentʆ] verb [intransitive] formal FINANCE ECONOMICS if a company, industry, or government retrenches, it spends less money: • Defense companies are retrenching and have scaled back orders … Financial and business terms
retrenchment — [[t]rɪtre̱ntʃmənt[/t]] retrenchments N VAR Retrenchment means spending less money. [FORMAL] Defense planners predict an extended period of retrenchment. ...a need for industrial retrenchment and restructuring … English dictionary
retrenchment — /rɪ trentʃmənt/ noun a reduction of expenditure or of new plans ● The company is in for a period of retrenchment … Marketing dictionary in english
retrenchment — /rɪ trentʃmənt/ noun a reduction of expenditure or of new plans ● The company is in for a period of retrenchment … Dictionary of banking and finance
retrenchment — retrench ► VERB 1) reduce costs or spending in response to economic difficulty. 2) chiefly Austral. make (an employee) redundant in order to reduce costs. 3) formal reduce or diminish. DERIVATIVES retrenchment noun. ORIGIN French retrancher cut… … English terms dictionary
Retrenchment (computing) — Retrenchment is a technique associated with Formal Methods that was introduced to address some of the perceived limitations of formal, model based refinement, for situations in which refinement might be regarded as desirable in principle, but… … Wikipedia
retrenchment — noun Date: circa 1600 reduction, curtailment; specifically a cutting of expenses … New Collegiate Dictionary