
1. закладывать скважину в верхней части пласта 2. коричневато-серая глина (пригодная для изготовления огнеупорных кирпичей)
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верхний вруб
коричневато-серая глина

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bannock" в других словарях:

  • Bannock — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bannock Bandera de los Shoshone Bannock Población total 5.135 (Censo E.E.U.U. del año 2000) Asentamientos importantes sudeste de Oregón …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bannock — Banate Populations  États Unis …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bannock — has more than one meaning:* Bannock (food), a kind of bread, usually prepared by pan frying * Bannock (tribe), a Native American people of what is now southeastern Oregon and western Idaho * Bannock, a payment of a handful of meal, made by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Bannock — Ban nock, n. [Gael. bonnach.] A kind of cake or bread, in shape flat and roundish, commonly made of oatmeal or barley meal and baked on an iron plate, or griddle; used in Scotland and the northern counties of England. Jamieson. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bannock — thick flat cake, O.E. bannuc a bit, small piece, from Gael. bannach a cake, perhaps a loan from L. panicium, from panis bread (see FOOD (Cf. food)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bannock — [ban′ək] n. [ME bannok < Gael bannach, a cake] Scot. a thick, flat cake made of oatmeal or barley meal baked on a griddle …   English World dictionary

  • Bannock — Ehemaliges Stammesgebiet der Bannock und heutiges Reservat in Idaho Die Bannock oder Banate sind ein Indianer Stamm aus dem Shoshone Zweig der uto aztekischen Sprachfamilie. Sie sprechen denselben Dialekt wie die Nördliche Paiute, von denen sie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bannock — /ban euhk/, n., pl. Bannocks, (esp. collectively) Bannock for 1. 1. a member of a North American Indian people formerly of Idaho and Wyoming who merged with the Shoshone in the 19th century, now living primarily in southeastern Idaho. 2. the… …   Universalium

  • bannock — /ban euhk/, n. Scot. and Brit. Cookery. a flat cake made of oatmeal, barley meal, etc., usually baked on a griddle. [bef. 1000; ME bannok, OE bannuc morsel < British Celtic; cf. ScotGael bannach] * * * ▪ people       North American Indian tribe… …   Universalium

  • bannock — UK [ˈbænək] / US noun [countable] Word forms bannock : singular bannock plural bannocks Scottish a flat bread roll made from oats or barley …   English dictionary

  • bannock — noun An unleavened bread made with oatmeal in Scotland, and with cornmeal or wheat flour in Canada, baked in a pan. My fathers bannock was nothing but lard, flour, salt, and baking powder patted into big rounds and cooked on sticks over a… …   Wiktionary

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