remnant pillar

remnant pillar
неизвлекаемый целик

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "remnant pillar" в других словарях:

  • pillar —    1. Remnant of bedrock joining the cave floor and ceiling. Not to be confused with a column, which is a calcite deposit. Pillars are common in phreatic caves, formed by complexly looping ground water flow, but may also be left as small oxbow… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Iron pillar of Delhi — For other uses, see Ashoka Pillar (disambiguation). The iron pillar of Delhi The iron pillar of Delhi, India, is a 7 m (23 ft) high pillar in the Qutb complex, notable for the composition of the metals used in its construction. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Otoplasty — Otoplasty: the pre operative front aspect (left), and the post operative front aspect (right) of an infantile otopexy (ear pinback) correction to a girl. Otoplasty (Greek ōtoûs, ear + plassein, to shape) denotes the surgical and non surgical… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Biblical names — This is a list of names from the Bible, mainly taken from the 19th century public domain resource: : Hitchcock s New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible by Roswell D. Hitchcock, New York: A. J. Johnson, 1874, c1869.Each name is given with its …   Wikipedia

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • Manchester Wall — Manchester Wall, located in downtown Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., is one of central Virginia s premier rock climbing areas, offering multiple routes for trad climbing, sport climbing, and top roping. The sixty foot granite wall is a remnant of the …   Wikipedia

  • Chukat — Chukat, Hukath, or Chukkas (Hebrew: חֻקַּת‎, “decree,” the ninth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parshah) is the 39th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the sixth in the book of Numbers. It …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Meager — The Mount Meager volcanic complex rising above the Pemberton Valley. Summits left to right are Capricorn Mountain, Mount Meager proper and Plinth Peak …   Wikipedia

  • biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …   Universalium

  • GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ISAIAH — (Heb. יְשַׁעְיָה ,יְשַׁעְיָהוּ Salvation of YHWH ), one of the eight books (as the Rabbis and the Masorah count them) of the Nevi im, or Prophets, the second division of the Hebrew canon (see bible , Canon). INTRODUCTION Outside the Book of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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