- relay box
релейный шкаф
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
relay box — relių spinta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. relay box; relay cabinet vok. Relaisschrank, m rus. релейный шкаф, m pranc. armoire à relais, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
relay cabinet — relių spinta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. relay box; relay cabinet vok. Relaisschrank, m rus. релейный шкаф, m pranc. armoire à relais, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
relay — Mail that a city letter carrier prepares in sacks for delivery to relay drop boxes along the line of travel of a route. After completing delivery of carry out mail, the letter carrier picks up additional mail from the relay drop box and resumes… … Glossary of postal terms
relay drop box — (See drop box) … Glossary of postal terms
box — I. /bɒks / (say boks) noun 1. a case or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc., with a lid or removable cover. 2. → glory box. 3. Music a. a speaker box. b. any amplifier or electronic device. 4. the quantity contained… …
relay — Synonyms and related words: Le Mans, adder, air race, alternator, analytical control unit, analyzer, anchor watch, anode, armature, assign, autoconverter, automobile race, autostarter, autotransformer, battery charger, bicycle race, bit, boat… … Moby Thesaurus
drop box — The olive green noncollection receptacle where city carriers leave mail on the line of travel for later pickup and delivery by another carrier. (Also called relay box) … Glossary of postal terms
Delay box — is a common slang term used in drag racing to describe an on board timer which is a Transmission Brake Delay Timer. A transbrake forces the race car to remain stationary at the starting line, in gear, regardless of how much engine power is… … Wikipedia
Broadcast relay station — A broadcast relay station, relay transmitter, broadcast translator (U.S.), rebroadcaster (Canada), or repeater (two way radio) is a broadcast transmitter which relays or repeats the signal of another radio station or television station, usually… … Wikipedia
4 x 100 metres relay — The 4 × 100 metres relay or sprint relay is an athletics track event run in lanes over one lap of the track with four runners completing 100 meters each. The first runners begin in the same stagger as for the individual 400 m race. A relay baton… … Wikipedia
Reed relay — A reed relay is one or more reed switches controlled by an electromagnet. The contacts are of magnetic material and the electromagnet acts directly on them without requiring an armature to move them. Sealed in a long, narrow glass tube, the… … Wikipedia