- reflection imaging
построение изображения с помощью отраженных волн
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Reflection seismology — (or seismic reflection) is a method of exploration geophysics that uses the principles of seismology to estimate the properties of the Earth s subsurface from reflected seismic waves. The method requires a controlled seismic source of energy,… … Wikipedia
Reflection high energy electron diffraction — (RHEED) is a technique used to characterize the surface of crystalline materials. RHEED systems gather information only from the surface layer of the sample, which distinguishes RHEED from other materials characterization methods that rely also… … Wikipedia
imaging — n. forming of mental images to control bodily processes (Psychology); photographing of the interior of the body by means of certain techniques and instruments (Medicine) im·age || ɪmɪdÊ’ n. figure; form; reflection; picture; likeness;… … English contemporary dictionary
Medical imaging — This article is about imaging techniques and modalities for the human body. For imaging of animals in research, see Preclinical imaging. Medical imaging Diagnostics A CT scan image showing a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm … Wikipedia
Molecular imaging — originated from the field of radiopharmacology due to the need to better understand the fundamental molecular pathways inside organisms in a noninvasive manner. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Quantum reflection — is a physical phenomenon involving the reflection of a matter wave from an attractive potential. In classical physics, such a phenomenon is not possible; for instance when one magnet is pulled toward another, you do not expect one of the magnets… … Wikipedia
Geophysical imaging — (also known as geophysical tomography) is geophysical technique that investigates the subsurface. There are many different kinds of imaging techniques, all which are based on applied physics.;Types of geophysical imaging include: *Electrical… … Wikipedia
Thermal Emission Imaging System — The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) is a camera on board the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter. It images Mars in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to determine the thermal properties of the surface and to… … Wikipedia
Ring imaging Čerenkov detector — A Ring Imaging Čerenkov detector (RICH detector) is a particle detector that can determine the velocity, v , of a charged fundamental particle. This is done by an indirect measurement of the Čerenkov angle, heta c , i.e. the angle between the… … Wikipedia
Silver Creek Fault — The Silver Creek Fault is a potentially seismically active northwest southeast trending geological structure in Santa Clara County, California. The Silver Creek Fault runs through and adjacent to the convert|25|mi|km long and convert|5|mi|km|0… … Wikipedia
Earth and Space Sciences — ▪ 1996 Introduction GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY In 1995 significant developments took place in the realm of geologic mapping, which provides the foundation for the presentation and comparison of data in the Earth sciences. The most important… … Universalium