refine extracting 99.6% of gold.

refine extracting 99.6% of gold.
аффинаж с извлечением золота 99.6%

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "refine extracting 99.6% of gold." в других словарях:

  • METALS AND MINING — In the Bible Six metals are mentioned in the Bible and in many passages they are listed in the same order: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and lead. Antimony is also mentioned. The metals are referred to in various contexts, including methods of …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • lead processing — Introduction       preparation of the ore for use in various products.       Lead (Pb) is one of the oldest metals known, being one of seven metals used in the ancient world (the others are gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, and mercury). Its low… …   Universalium

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  • Cupellation — is a metallurgical process in which ores or alloyed metals are treated under high temperatures and carefully controlled operations in order to separate noble metals, like gold and silver, from base metals like lead, copper, zinc, arsenic,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Industrial process — Industrial processes are procedures involving chemical or mechanical steps to aid in the manufacture of an item or items, usually carried out on a very large scale.Industrial processes are the key components of heavy industry.Most processes make… …   Wikipedia

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

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