recoverable reserves

recoverable reserves
извлекаемые запасы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "recoverable reserves" в других словарях:

  • Recoverable Reserves — A term used in natural resource industries to describe the amount of resources identified in a reserve that is technologically or economically feasible to extract. A new reserve can be discovered, but if the resource cannot be extracted by any… …   Investment dictionary

  • Recoverable Reserves of Coal —   An estimate of the amount of coal that can be removed (mined) from the accessible reserves in the future, using current prices and operable equipment.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Estimated Recoverable Reserves — (coal)   An estimate of coal reserves, based on a demonstrated reserve base, adjusted for assumed accessibility and recovery factors, and does not include any specific economic feasibility criteria. These reserve estimates are reported to EIA by… …   Energy terms

  • Undiscovered recoverable reserves — (crude oil and natural gas)   Those economic resources of crude oil and natural gas, yet undiscovered, that are estimated to exist in favorable geologic settings.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Recoverable proved reserves —   The proved reserves of natural gas as of December 31 of any given year are the estimated quantities of natural gas which geological and engineering data demonstrates with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in the future from known natural… …   Energy terms

  • Recoverable Oil Resources of the World*, Table — ▪ Table region cumulative reserves undiscovered total oil production resources endowment** North America 202 106 121 429 South America 74 93 44 211 Western Europe 23 19 28 70 Eastern Europe (including Russia) 113 104 64 281 Central Asia and… …   Universalium

  • Recoverable Heavy Oil Resources of the World*, Table — ▪ Table region cumulative reserves undiscovered total production resources heavy oil United States 10.8 17.4 23.6 51.8 Canada 0.4 0.7 4.9 6.0 Mexico 1.2 4.2 1.6 7.0 Venezuela 13.2 136.7 13.0 162.9 Remaining Latin America 0.2 1.6 3.2 5.0 Western… …   Universalium

  • Recoverable Natural Gas Resources of the World*, Table — ▪ Table region cumulative reserves undiscovered total gas production resources endowment United States 22.4 4.6 11.2 38.2 Canada 2.6 2.7 10.3 15.6 Mexico 0.8 2.0 4.4 7.2 South America 1.8 5.5 5.9 13.2 Western Europe 4.1 5.4 5.8 15.3 Russia and… …   Universalium

  • Oil reserves in Venezuela — Orinoco Oil Belt assessment unit, USGS The proven oil reserves in Venezuela are claimed to be the largest in the world, according to an announcement in early 2011 by President Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan government. The reported proven… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil reserves in Iran — Iran s Oil and Gas Fields and Infrastructures Oil reserves in Iran, according to its government, rank third largest in the world at approximately 150 billion barrels (24×10^9 m3) as of 2007, although it ranks second if Canadian reserves of… …   Wikipedia

  • Oil shale reserves — refers to oil shale resources that are recoverable under given economic restraints and technological abilities. Oil shale deposits range from small presently non economic occurrences to large presently commercially exploitable reserves. Defining… …   Wikipedia

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