reciprocal bearing

reciprocal bearing
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "reciprocal bearing" в других словарях:

  • reciprocal — ► ADJECTIVE 1) given, felt, or done in return. 2) (of an agreement or arrangement) bearing on or binding two parties equally. 3) Grammar (of a pronoun or verb) expressing mutual action or relationship (e.g. each other, they kissed). ► NOUN… …   English terms dictionary

  • reciprocal — reciprocality, reciprocalness, n. reciprocally, adv. /ri sip reuh keuhl/, adj. 1. given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect. 2. given, performed, felt, etc., in return: reciprocal aid. 3. corresponding; matching;… …   Universalium

  • reciprocal — re•cip•ro•cal [[t]rɪˈsɪp rə kəl[/t]] adj. 1) given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect[/ex] 2) given, performed, felt, etc., in return: reciprocal aid[/ex] 3) corresponding; matching; equivalent: reciprocal privileges at… …   From formal English to slang

  • reciprocal — [rɪ sɪprək(ə)l] adjective 1》 given, felt, or done in return. 2》 (of an agreement or arrangement) bearing on or binding two parties equally. 3》 Grammar (of a pronoun or verb) expressing mutual action or relationship. 4》 (of a course or bearing)… …   English new terms dictionary

  • back bearing — i. The horizontal angle, measured clockwise from a datum, and observed from an aircraft for a point over which it has passed without an intervening alteration of a heading. It is the reciprocal of track. ii. A bearing differing by 180°, or… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Hand compass — Parts of a hand compass A hand compass (aka hand bearing compass or sighting compass) is a term for any compact magnetic compass capable of one hand use and fitted with a sighting device to record a precise bearing or azimuth to a given target or …   Wikipedia

  • reciprocally — reciprocal ► ADJECTIVE 1) given, felt, or done in return. 2) (of an agreement or arrangement) bearing on or binding two parties equally. 3) Grammar (of a pronoun or verb) expressing mutual action or relationship (e.g. each other, they kissed). ►… …   English terms dictionary

  • MISHPAT IVRI — This article is arranged according to the following outline: definition and terminology RELIGIOUS HALAKHAH AND LEGAL HALAKHAH common features law and morals de oraita and de rabbanan distinguishing between the two categories legal consequences of …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • VHF omnidirectional range — This article is about the radio navigation aid. For other uses, see Vor. D VOR (Doppler VOR) ground station, co located with DME …   Wikipedia

  • HEBREW LANGUAGE — This entry is arranged according to the following scheme: pre biblical biblical the dead sea scrolls mishnaic medieval modern period A detailed table of contents precedes each section. PRE BIBLICAL nature of the evidence the sources phonology… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • heredity — /heuh red i tee/, n., pl. heredities. Biol. 1. the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization and results in the genesis of a new… …   Universalium

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