- recessional moraine
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
recessional moraine — noun : a moraine left by a glacier during a temporary halt in the retreat of the ice * * * Geol. a moraine marking a temporary halt in the general retreat of a glacier. Cf. terminal moraine. [1905 10] * * * recessional moraine, a terminal moraine … Useful english dictionary
recessional moraine — An end or lateral moraine, built during a temporary but significant halt in the final retreat of a glacier. Also, a moraine built during a minor readvance of the ice front during a period of general recession. Compare: end moraine, ground… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
recessional moraine — Geol. a moraine marking a temporary halt in the general retreat of a glacier. Cf. terminal moraine. [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
recessional moraine — A moraine deposited by a retreating glacier [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Moraine — This article is about geological phenomena. For other uses, see Moraine (disambiguation). A moraine is any glacially formed accumulation of unconsolidated glacial debris (soil and rock) which can occur in currently glaciated and formerly… … Wikipedia
moraine — morainal, morainic, adj. /meuh rayn /, n. 1. a ridge, mound, or irregular mass of unstratified glacial drift, chiefly boulders, gravel, sand, and clay. 2. a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier. [1780 90; < F < Savoyard dial.… … Universalium
moraine — [ glacial geology ] a) [ material ] A mound, ridge, or other topographically distinct accumulation of unsorted, unstratified glacial drift, predominantly till, deposited primarily by the direct action of glacier ice, in a variety of… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
ground moraine — a) Commonly an extensive, low relief area of till, having an uneven or undulating surface, and commonly bounded on the distal end by a recessional or end moraine. b) A layer of poorly sorted rock and mineral debris (till) dragged along,… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
end moraine — A ridge like accumulation that is being or was produced at the outer margin of an actively flowing glacier at any given time; a moraine that has been deposited at the outer or lower end of a valley glacier. Compare: terminal moraine,… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
terminal moraine — An end moraine that marks the farthest advance of a glacier and usually has the form of a massive arcuate or concentric ridge, or complex of ridges, underlain by till and other drift types. Compare: end moraine, recessional moraine, ground… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
water-lain moraine — A terminal, end, or recessional moraine formed subaqueously by a glacier that terminated in a water body (e.g., glacial lake, sea, or ocean). A water lain moraine may occur at the present land surface as a result of isostatic rebound or lake… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms