- receiver position
• положение пункта приема• положение точки приема• ПП• пункт приема• точка приема
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Position (football americain) — Position (football américain) Les positions au football américain peuvent être résumées comme ceci : Les Titans du Tennessee et les Texans de Houston en formation avant une action … Wikipédia en Français
Position au football américain — Position (football américain) Les positions au football américain peuvent être résumées comme ceci : Les Titans du Tennessee et les Texans de Houston en formation avant une action … Wikipédia en Français
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring — (RAIM) ist eine Technologie zur Überprüfung der Integrität von GPS. Es spielt vor allem bei sicherheitskritischen Applikationen wie Luft und Seefahrt eine wichtige Rolle. Beschreibung RAIM dient zur Entdeckung von Fehlern von GPS Messungen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Position error — is one of the errors affecting the systems in an aircraft for measuring airspeed and altitude. [Kermode, A.C., Mechanics of Flight , 10th Edition – page 65] [”Of these errors the error in detection of static pressure is generally the most serious … Wikipedia
Position (team sports) — Position in team sports refers to the joint arrangement of a team on its field of play during a game and to the standardized place of any individual player in that arrangement. Much instruction, strategy, and reporting is organized by a set of… … Wikipedia
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring — RAIM is the abbreviation for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring , a technology developed to assess the integrity of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals in a GPS receiver system. It is of special importance in safety critical GPS… … Wikipedia
Position (football américain) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Position. Les positions au football américain peuvent être résumées comme ceci : Les Titans du Tennessee et les Texans de Houston … Wikipédia en Français
Receiver General for Canada — The Receiver General for Canada ( French: Receveur général du Canada ) is responsible for making payments to the Canadian government each fiscal year, accepting payments from financial institutions and preparing the Public Accounts of Canada,… … Wikipedia
receiver — re|ceiv|er [rıˈsi:və US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(telephone)¦ 2¦(business)¦ 3¦(stolen property)¦ 4¦(radio)¦ 5¦(American football)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(TELEPHONE)¦ the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear →↑handset pick up/lift the … Dictionary of contemporary English
Receiver (modulated ultrasound) — In modulated ultrasound terminology, a receiver is a device that receives a modulated ultrasound signal and decodes it for use as sound, navigational position information, etc. Its function is somewhat like that of a radio receiver … Wikipedia
position dilution of precision — The geometric effect resulting from satellites being too close together. Satellites that appear farther apart in the sky provide a more accurate position solution than ones close together. In the latter case, the position accuracy is degraded in… … Aviation dictionary