- realistic model
реалистическая модель
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Model photosphere — Some essential steps in model atmosphere analysis for determining stellar abundances (Figure by Bengt Gustafsson, Astronomical Observatory, Uppsala). The photosphere denotes those solar or stellar surface layers from which optical radiation… … Wikipedia
Realistic (brand) — Realistic Navaho Pro Base Station Citizen s Band Transceiver with built in Clock Timer/Alarm … Wikipedia
Model Railroader — Categories Rail transport modeling Frequency Monthly Publisher Kalmbach Publishing First issue 1934 Country … Wikipedia
Model horse showing — is a hobby built around the collection of scale model horses, with equal focus on honoring the (live) horse show industry as well as the artistic merit of the miniatures. Contents 1 Classes Divisions 1.1 Halter Division 1.2 Collectibility… … Wikipedia
Model European Union — Type NGO Simulation Purpose/focus Education Location Strasbourg, France … Wikipedia
Model horse — Breyer model horses Model horses or toy horses are scale replicas of real horses and are highly collectible. The hobby originated more or less simultaneously but independently in North America and the UK, followed later by Sweden (UK influenced) … Wikipedia
Model United Nations — A Model United Nations Conference in Stuttgart, Germany in action. Model United Nations (also Model UN or MUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international… … Wikipedia
Model building (particle physics) — In particle physics, the term model building refers to a construction of new quantum field theories beyond the Standard Model that have certain features making them attractive theoretically or for possible observations in the near future. If the… … Wikipedia
Model airport — A trend among aircraft model collectors is to build model airports. While airport models have been around, in a way, since air fields were open to the public, early model airports were basically restricted to public showcases about the airport… … Wikipedia
Realistic DX-60 — The Realistic DX 60 is an AM mode only shortwave radio marketed by Radio Shack in the late 1970s through the early 1980s. The radio receives 3 MHz to 27 MHz AM shortwave in three bands, 26.965 MHz through 27.405 MHz HF CB in one band, 540 kHz to… … Wikipedia
Traffic generation model — A traffic generation model is a stochastic model of the traffic flows or data sources in a communication network, for example a cellular network or a computer network. A packet generation model is a traffic generation model of the packet flows or … Wikipedia