- real experiment
натурный эксперимент
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Real person fiction — (RPF) is a type of fan fiction featuring celebrities or other real people. In the past, terms such as actorfic were used to distinguish such stories from those based on fictional characters from movies or television series. Before the term real… … Wikipedia
Real World Studios — is the high tech recording studio in Box, Wiltshire, associated with the Real World Records Ltd. record label founded by rock musician Peter Gabriel. Its main purpose is to promote world music and give musicians from around the world a chance to… … Wikipedia
Real-Time-quantitative-PCR — Die Real Time quantitative PCR (kurz RTq PCR oder qRT PCR, auch Real Time Detection PCR, kurz RTD PCR) ist eine Vervielfältigungsmethode für Nukleinsäuren, die auf dem Prinzip der herkömmlichen Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) beruht, und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Real time PCR — Die Real Time quantitative PCR (kurz RTq PCR oder qRT PCR, auch Real Time Detection PCR, kurz RTD PCR) ist eine Vervielfältigungsmethode für Nukleinsäuren, die auf dem Prinzip der herkömmlichen Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) beruht, und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Real time pcr — Die Real Time quantitative PCR (kurz RTq PCR oder qRT PCR, auch Real Time Detection PCR, kurz RTD PCR) ist eine Vervielfältigungsmethode für Nukleinsäuren, die auf dem Prinzip der herkömmlichen Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) beruht, und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Real time quantitative PCR — Die Real Time quantitative PCR (kurz RTq PCR oder qRT PCR, auch Real Time Detection PCR, kurz RTD PCR) oder quantitative Echtzeit PCR ist eine Vervielfältigungsmethode für Nukleinsäuren, die auf dem Prinzip der herkömmlichen Polymerase… … Deutsch Wikipedia
real world — noun The realm of human experience comprising physical objects, and excluding theoretical constructs, hypotheses, artificial environments, and virtual worlds such as the Internet, computer simulations, or the imagination … Wiktionary
Thought experiment — A thought experiment (from the German Gedankenexperiment ) is a proposal for an experiment that would test a hypothesis or theory but cannot actually be performed due to practical limitations; instead its purpose is to explore the potential… … Wikipedia
thought experiment — In a thought experiment, instead of bringing about a course of events, as in a normal experiment, we are invited to imagine one. We may then be able to ‘see’ that some result follows, or that some description is appropriate, or our inability to… … Philosophy dictionary
Milgram experiment — For Milgram s other well known experiment, see Small world experiment. The experimenter (E) orders the teacher (T), the subject of the experiment, to give what the latter believes are painful electric shocks to a learner (L), who is actually an… … Wikipedia
Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment — The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) is a research program of the World Climate Research Programme intended to observe, comprehend and models the Earth s water cycle. The experiment also observes how much energy the Earth receives … Wikipedia