- ramose
- пал. ветвистый, ветвящийся, ответвляющийся
* * *• ветвящийся• ответвляющийся
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ramose — refers to three different Egyptian people: Vizier, Amenhotep III s Vizier (TT55); Ramose of Amarna Tombs of the Nobles (Amarna); and Ramose father of Senenmut.The owner of Tomb 11 in the Tombs of the Nobles at Amarna might or might not have been… … Wikipedia
Ramose — (der von Re geborene) war ein beliebter altägyptischer Name, vor allem des Neuen Reiches. Es gab mehrere bedeutende Namensträger: Ramose (Wesir) Ramose (Vater des Senenmut) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Un … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ramose — Ra*mose (r[.a]*m[=o]s ), a. [L. ramosus, from ramus a branch.] Branched, as the stem or root of a plant; having lateral divisions; consisting of, or having, branches; full of branches; ramifying; branching; branchy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ramose — [rā′mōs΄, rə mōs′] adj. [L ramosus < ramus, branch: see ROOT1] 1. bearing many branches 2. branching … English World dictionary
Ramose — Vizier reigns of Amenophis III and Akhenaten, c.1417 1375 BC. Ramose was Governor of Thebes and Vizier under *Amenophis III and also served his son *Akhenaten (Amenophis IV) during the early years of his reign when Thebes was still the… … Ancient Egypt
Ramosé — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ramosé est un prénom masculin égyptien porté notamment par : Ramosé, vizir d Amenhotep III Ramosé, père de Sénènmout, le précepteur et père… … Wikipédia en Français
ramose — adjective Etymology: Latin ramosus, from ramus branch Date: 1689 consisting of or having branches < a ramose sponge > … New Collegiate Dictionary
ramose — adjective Having branches; branching But it is chiefly in the interesting family Chalcídidæ that we find the greatest number of species having ramose antennæ … Wiktionary
ramose — a. branched. ♦ ramous, a. ramose; ramiform … Dictionary of difficult words
Ramose (Vater des Senenmut) — Ramose (Vater des Senenmut) in Hieroglyphen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ramose (chaty de Amenofis III) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ramose … Wikipedia Español