- ramifications
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
ramifications — ram·i·fi·ca·tion || ‚ræmɪfɪ keɪʃn n. consequence, outcome of another event; branch, bough; act of branching out … English contemporary dictionary
ramifications — a complex consequence of an action or event. → ramification … English new terms dictionary
ramifications — [ˌræməfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)nz] noun [plural] formal the complicated or unexpected effects of something … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Ramifications of the Buddha concept — Usually Buddha ( Awakened One, from the root bodhi ) refers to Siddhārtha Gautama (Sanskrit; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama), the historical founder of Buddhism, for this Buddha age, who adopted that title. He is sometimes referred to as Sakyamuni or… … Wikipedia
ramificussions — Ramifications and repercussions, coined by Judge Jeffrey Ramsdell of King County Superior Court I ll have to think about the ramifucussions. I ll get back to you … Dictionary of american slang
ramificussions — Ramifications and repercussions, coined by Judge Jeffrey Ramsdell of King County Superior Court I ll have to think about the ramifucussions. I ll get back to you … Dictionary of american slang
ramification — [ ramifikasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1541 anat.; lat. sav. ramificatio 1 ♦ Division en plusieurs rameaux; chacune des divisions ou des rameaux eux mêmes. Ramification d une tige à fleurs. ⇒ inflorescence. Spécialt Ramification des racines, des nervures des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Polymère ramifié — Illustration d un polymère ramifié Un polymère ramifié (ou branché) est un polymère présentant au moins un point de ramification entre ses deux groupes terminaux, un point de ramification étant un point d une chaîne sur lequel est fixée une… … Wikipédia en Français
INTIFADA — This entry deals with the origins and ramifications of the first Intifada, which commenced in late 1987. For its subsequent course and for the second, so called al Aqsa Intifada, see israel , State of: Historical Survey; israel , State of: Israel … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ramification — (ra mi fi ka sion ; en vers, de six syllabes) s. f. 1° Terme de botanique. Division d une tige en plusieurs rameaux. Se dit aussi très souvent des divisions elles mêmes. Disposition des branches. La ramification du chêne. 2° Terme d… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Donovan Courville — Donovan Amos Courville (April 6, 1901, Michigan – August 1996, Fresno, California)[1] (Ph.D., Chemistry), was a graduate of Andrews University. He taught at Pacific Union College from 1935 to 1949 before moving to Loma Linda University from 1949… … Wikipedia