quality requirement

quality requirement
требование к уровню качества

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "quality requirement" в других словарях:

  • Quality management system — (QMS) can be defined as a set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution (production / development / service) in the core business area of an organization. QMS integrates the various internal processes within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Requirement prioritization — is used in Software product management for determining which candidate requirements of a software product should be included in a certain release. Requirements are also prioritized to minimize risk during development so that the most important or …   Wikipedia

  • Quality assurance — Quality assurance, or QA for short, refers to planned and systematic production processes that provide confidence in a product s suitability for its intended purpose. It is a set of activities intended to ensure that products (goods and/or… …   Wikipedia

  • Requirement — In engineering, a requirement is a singular documented need of what a particular product or service should be or do. It is most commonly used in a formal sense in systems engineering or software engineering. It is a statement that identifies a… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality (business) — This article is about quality in a business context. For other uses, see Quality. Quality in business, engineering and manufacturing has a pragmatic interpretation as the non inferiority or superiority of something. Quality is a perceptual,… …   Wikipedia

  • Quality — In the vernacular, quality can mean a high degree of excellence (“a quality product”), a degree of excellence or the lack of it (“work of average quality”), or a property of something (“the addictive quality of alcohol”). [The third meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • requirement — [[t]rɪkwa͟ɪ͟ə(r)mənt[/t]] ♦♦♦ requirements 1) N COUNT: usu with supp A requirement is a quality or qualification that you must have in order to be allowed to do something or to be suitable for something. Its products met all legal requirements …   English dictionary

  • Quality Migrant Admission Scheme — Chinese t=優秀人才入境計劃 s=优秀人才入境计划 p=Yōuxiù Réncái Rùjìng Jìhuà j=Jausu|p=1 sausu|p=3 Jansu|p=4 coisu|p=4 Japsu|p=6 gingsu|p=2 Gaisu|p=3 waaksu|p=6The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme ( QMAS ) is a points based immigration system in the Hong Kong… …   Wikipedia

  • requirement — /ri kwuyeur meuhnt/, n. 1. that which is required; a thing demanded or obligatory: One of the requirements of the job is accuracy. 2. an act or instance of requiring. 3. a need or necessity: to meet the requirements of daily life. [1520 30;… …   Universalium

  • requirement — re•quire•ment [[t]rɪˈkwaɪər mənt[/t]] n. 1) something required 2) an act or instance of requiring 3) a need or necessity: the requirements of daily life[/ex] • Etymology: 1520–30 syn: requirement, requisite refer to that which is necessary. A… …   From formal English to slang

  • quality function deployment — QFD A technique for ensuring that a new product or service meets the customer requirement that gave rise to the original concept. See value engineering …   Big dictionary of business and management

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