- pyrotic
- едкий, жгучий
* * *• едкий• жгучий
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Pyrotic — Py*rot ic, a. [Gr. ?, fr. ? to burn, fr. ?, ?, fire: cf. F. pyrotique.] Caustic. See {Caustic}. n. (Med.) A caustic medicine. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pyrotic — index caustic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pyrotic — 1. adjective a) Caustic. b) of, or having to do with heartburn. 2. noun A caustic substance or remedy … Wiktionary
pyrotic — 1. Relating to pyrosis. 2. SYN: caustic. * * * py·rot·ic (pi rotґik) [Gr. pyrōtikos fit for burning] 1. caustic; burning. 2. pertaining to heartburn (pyrosis) … Medical dictionary
pyrotic — a. Caustic, burning … New dictionary of synonyms
pyrotic — … Useful english dictionary
Pivot Stickfigure Animator — Тип Графические програ … Википедия
antipyrotic — 1. SYN: antiphlogistic. 2. Relieving the pain and promoting the healing of superficial burns. 3. A topical application for burns. [anti + G. pyrotikos, burning, inflaming] * * * an·ti·py·rot·ic (an″te ) (an″ti pi rotґik) [anti +… … Medical dictionary
caustic — 1. Chemically exerting an effect resembling a burn. 2. An agent producing this effect. 3. Denoting a solution of a strong alkali; e.g., c. soda, NaOH. SYN: pyrotic (2). [G. kaustikos, fr. kaio, to burn] * * * caus·tic kȯ stik … Medical dictionary
caustic — I adjective abrasive, abrupt, acerbus, acrid, acrimonious, acute, astringent, austere, biting, brash, burning, corroding, corrosive, cruel, curt, cutting, derisive, derisory, envenomed, erosive, excorciating, excruciating, harsh, hurtful,… … Law dictionary
pungency — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Caustic nature Nouns 1. pungency, piquancy, poignancy, tang, raciness, haut goût, strong taste; sharpness, keenness, acrimony, acritude, acridity, astringency, acerbity, sourness, gaminess; tartness,… … English dictionary for students