- pseudomorph by alteration
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Pseudomorph — In geology, a pseudomorph is a mineral compound resulting from a substitution process in which the appearance and dimensions remain constant, but the mineral which makes up the chief component of the compound is replaced by another. The name… … Wikipedia
pseudomorph — pseudomorphic, pseudomorphous, adj. pseudomorphism, n. /sooh deuh mawrf /, n. 1. an irregular or unclassifiable form. 2. a mineral having the outward appearance of another mineral that it has replaced by chemical action. [1840 50; PSEUDO + MORPH] … Universalium
Iddingsite — is an alteration of olivine that consists of a mixture of clay minerals, iron oxides and ferrihydrides. Iddingsite forms from the weathering of basalt in the presence of liquid water and can be described as a phenocryst meaning it has… … Wikipedia
Shattuckite — Infobox mineral name = Shattuckite category = boxwidth = boxbgcolor = caption = formula = Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2 molweight = color = Dark and light blue, turqoise habit = system = twinning = cleavage = perfect in two directions. fracture = uneven mohs … Wikipedia
igneous rock — Any of various crystalline or glassy, noncrystalline rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of molten earth material (magma). Igneous rocks comprise one of the three principal classes of rocks, the others being metamorphic and sedimentary … Universalium
olivine — olivinic /ol euh vin ik/, olivinitic /ol euh vi nit ik/, adj. /ol euh veen , ol euh veen /, n. Mineral. any of a group of magnesium iron silicates, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, occurring in olive green to gray green masses as an important constituent of basic… … Universalium
Chalcocite — General Category Sulfide minerals Chemical formula copper(I) sulfide: Cu … Wikipedia
Chlorite group — For the chemistry term, see chlorite. Chlorite group General Category Mineral Chem … Wikipedia
allomorph — Paramorph Par a*morph, n. [Pref. para + Gr. morfh form.] 1. (Min.) A kind of pseudomorph, in which there has been a change of physical characters, by a change in crystal structure without alteration of chemical composition, as the change of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Paramorph — Par a*morph, n. [Pref. para + Gr. morfh form.] 1. (Min.) A kind of pseudomorph, in which there has been a change of physical characters, by a change in crystal structure without alteration of chemical composition, as the change of aragonite to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paramorphic — Paramorph Par a*morph, n. [Pref. para + Gr. morfh form.] 1. (Min.) A kind of pseudomorph, in which there has been a change of physical characters, by a change in crystal structure without alteration of chemical composition, as the change of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English