- powder factor
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Powder diffraction — is a scientific technique using X ray, neutron, or electron diffraction on powder or microcrystalline samples for structural characterization of materials. [B.D. Cullity Elements of X ray Diffraction Addison Wesley Mass. 1978] Explanation Ideally … Wikipedia
factor IX complex — [USP] a sterile, freeze dried powder consisting of partially purified factor IX fraction, as well as concentrated factor II, VII, and X fractions, of venous plasma from healthy human donors. It is used in the prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding … Medical dictionary
Fingerprint powder — Fingerprint powders are fine powders used in dusting for fingerprints by crime scene investigators and others in law enforcement. The process of dusting for fingerprints involves various methods intended to get the particles of the powder to… … Wikipedia
Max Factor — This article is about the brand. For the man, see Max Factor, Sr.. Max Factor Company is a cosmetics company, founded during 1909 by Maksymilian Faktorowicz (1877–August 30, 1938), Max Factor, a Polish Jewish cosmetician. Max Factor Company was a … Wikipedia
Black powder in gas pipelines — Black powder is a solid contamination in finished product pipelines. Black powder collects in gas piping that are mostly mill scale, from new sales gas pipeline, flash rust from hydrotest water, post internal pipeline corrosion, and could be… … Wikipedia
antihemophilic factor — an·ti·he·mo·phil·ic factor or chiefly Brit an·ti·hae·mo·phil·ic factor .hē mə .fil ik n FACTOR VIII * * * (AHF) 1. f. VIII, see under coagulation f s. 2. a preparation of factor VIII used in the treatment of hemophilia A, including preparations… … Medical dictionary
Shape factor (X-ray diffraction) — A shape factor is used in x ray diffraction and crystallography to correlate the size of sub micrometre particles, or crystallites, in a solid to the broadening of a peak in a diffraction pattern. In the Scherrer equation,: au = frac {K… … Wikipedia
blasting — process of reducing a solid body, such as rock, to fragments by using an explosive. Conventional blasting operations include (1) drilling holes, (2) placing a charge and detonator (blasting cap) in each hole, (3) detonating the charge, and… … Universalium
Snowboarding — A snowboarder making a turn in fresh snow. First played 1960s, United States Characteristics Categorization Outdoor Equipment Snowboard deck … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Crystallographic database — A crystallographic database is a database specifically designed to store information about crystals and crystal structures. Crystals are solids having, in all three dimensions of space, a regularly repeating arrangement of atoms, ions, or… … Wikipedia