- back haul
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
back|haul — «BAK HL», noun. 1. the return trip of a vehicle carrying freight. 2. the freight brought back on such a trip; return freight: »If the ships that ferry materials to Alaska could return south with a backhaul,…the northbound freight rates would… … Useful english dictionary
back-haul airlift — The rearward movement of personnel and materiel from an air terminal in forward deployed areas back to a staging base (either in theater or out) after the normal forward delivery. See also staging base … Military dictionary
back haul — 1. Routing a call through a network in an indirect manner because it is less expensive to do so. 2. Link between a central office and a main microwave or multiplex station, or between a ground satellite station, or submarine cable terminal… … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
haul — [hôl] vt. [17th c. phonetic sp. of HALE2 < ME halen < OFr haler, to draw < ODu halen, akin to Ger holen, to fetch < IE base * kel , to cry out (> L calare): basic sense “to call hither”] 1. to pull with force; move by pulling or… … English World dictionary
Haul — Haul, v. i. 1. (Naut.) To change the direction of a ship by hauling the wind. See under {Haul}, v. t. [1913 Webster] I . . . hauled up for it, and found it to be an island. Cook. [1913 Webster] 2. To pull apart, as oxen sometimes do when yoked.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
haul — [n] something obtained or moved booty, burden, cargo, catch, find, freight, gain, harvest, lading, load, loot*, payload*, spoils, takings*, yield; concepts 337,338 haul [v] move, pull to another spot back, boost, bring, buck, carry, cart, convey … New thesaurus
haul — haul1 [ho:l US ho:l] v [T] [Date: 1200 1300; : French; Origin: haler to pull ] 1.) to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement haul sth off/onto/out of etc sth ▪ She hauled her backpack onto her back. ▪ the steam locomotive which… … Dictionary of contemporary English
haul — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 act of hauling VERB + HAUL ▪ give sth PREPOSITION ▪ haul on ▪ When I shout, give a haul on the rope. 2 distance AD … Collocations dictionary
haul — /hawl/, v.t. 1. to pull or draw with force; move by drawing; drag: They hauled the boat up onto the beach. 2. to cart or transport; carry: He hauled freight. 3. to cause to descend; lower (often fol. by down): to haul down the flag. 4. to arrest… … Universalium
haul — /hɔl / (say hawl) verb (t) 1. to pull or draw with force; move or transport by drawing. –verb (i) 2. to pull or tug. 3. to change one s course of procedure or action; go in a given direction. 4. Nautical to sail, as in a particular direction.… …
haul — [[t]hɔl[/t]] v. t. 1) to pull or draw with force; drag 2) to cart or transport; carry: to haul freight[/ex] 3) to arrest or bring before a magistrate or other authority: to haul someone into court[/ex] 4) to pull or tug 5) to go or come to a… … From formal English to slang