potash alumen

potash alumen

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "potash alumen" в других словарях:

  • Alum — This article is about the chemical compound. For other uses, see Alum (disambiguation). Bulk alum Alum (  / …   Wikipedia

  • List of chemical element name etymologies — This is the list of etymologies for all chemical element names: Name Symbol Language of origin Word of origin Meaning Symbol origin Description Actinium Ac Greek ἀκτίς (aktis) beam Greek aktinos ἀκτίς, ἀκτῖνος (aktis; aktinos), meaning beam (ray) …   Wikipedia

  • alum — alum1 /al euhm/, n. Chem. 1. Also called potash alum, potassium alum. a crystalline solid, aluminum potassium sulfate, K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O, used in medicine as an astringent and styptic, in dyeing and tanning, and in many technical processes. 2 …   Universalium

  • aluminum — aluminic /al yeuh min ik/, adj. /euh looh meuh neuhm/, n. 1. Chem. a silver white metallic element, light in weight, ductile, malleable, and not readily corroded or tarnished, occurring combined in nature in igneous rock, shale, clay, and most… …   Universalium

  • alunite — /al yeuh nuyt /, n. a mineral, a hydrous sulfate of potassium and aluminum, KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6, commonly occurring in fine grained masses. Also called alumstone /al euhm stohn /. [1865 70; < F alun ( < L alumen ALUM1) + ITE1] * * * ▪ mineral also… …   Universalium

  • al|um — al|um1 «AL uhm», noun. 1. a whitish mineral salt used in medicine and in dyeing; potash alum. A pencil of alum is sometimes used to stop the bleeding of a small cut. Formula: KAI(SO4)2•12H2O 2. a colorless, crystalline salt containing ammonia,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • alum — [ aləm] noun Chemistry 1》 (also potash alum) a colourless astringent compound which is a hydrated double sulphate of aluminium and potassium, used in solution in dyeing and tanning. 2》 any of a series of analogous compounds of other metals.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • alum — alum1 [al′əm] n. [ME & OFr < L alumen, alum: for IE base see ALE] 1. a double sulfate of a monovalent metal or radical (as sodium, potassium, or ammonium) with a trivalent metal (as aluminum, iron, or chromium): it is used as an astringent, as …   English World dictionary

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