- post hitch
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
hitch|ing post — «HIHCH ihng», a post to which to hitch horses, or other animals … Useful english dictionary
hitch — I UK [hɪtʃ] / US verb Word forms hitch : present tense I/you/we/they hitch he/she/it hitches present participle hitching past tense hitched past participle hitched 1) [intransitive/transitive] informal to travel by asking other people to take you … English dictionary
hitch — hitch1 [ hıtʃ ] verb 1. ) intransitive or transitive INFORMAL to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing on the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign: We managed to hitch a ride to Abilene with a truck… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hitch — I [[t]hɪtʃ[/t]] v.t. 1) to fasten or tie, esp. temporarily, by means of a hook, rope, strap, etc.: to hitch a horse to a post[/ex] 2) to harness (an animal) to a vehicle (often fol. by up) 3) to raise with jerks (usu. fol. by up); hike up: to… … From formal English to slang
hitch — I. verb Etymology: Middle English hytchen Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to move by jerks or with a tug 2. a. to catch or fasten by or as if by a hook or knot < hitched his horse to the fence post > b … New Collegiate Dictionary
hitching post — hitch′ing post n. a post to which horses, mules, etc., are tied … From formal English to slang
Icicle hitch — Knot details name=Icicle hitch names= type= hitch strength= origin= John Smith, 1990 related= Prusik, Klemheist knot, Tautline hitch releasing= Unload the working end uses= Tying to a post when weight is applied parallel to the post Can be tied… … Wikipedia
Tugboat hitch — Knot details name=Tugboat hitch names= Lighterman s Hitch, Backhanded Mooring Hitch type= hitch strength= origin= related= releasing= non jamming, releasable under load uses= Heavy towing, mooring, making fast to a winch caveat= abok number=… … Wikipedia
Cow hitch — Names Cow hitch, Lark s head, Lark s foot, Girth hitch, Ring hitch, Lanyard hitch, Bale Sling hitch, Baggage Tag Loop, Tag Knot, Deadeye hitch, Running eye Category … Wikipedia
clove hitch — n. a knot by which a rope is secured by passing it twice round a spar or rope that it crosses at right angles. Etymology: old past part. of CLEAVE(1), as showing parallel separate lines * * * noun a knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a… … Useful english dictionary
Clove hitch — Category Hitch Origin Ancient Related Slip … Wikipedia