- Portlandian stage
портландский ярус верхнего отдела юрской системы
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Kimmeridgian — The Kimmeridgian is a stage of the Late Jurassic Epoch. It spans the time between 155.7 ± 4 Ma and 150.8 ± 4 Ma (million years ago). The Kimmeridgian stage follows the Oxfordian stage and precedes the Tithonian stage.The stage takes its name from … Wikipedia
Aylesbury — See also: Aylesbury Urban Area infobox UK place country = England latitude= 51.8168 longitude= 0.8124 official name= Aylesbury population = 56,392 [http://www.neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/dissemination/LeadTableView.do?a=7 b=792114 c=aylesbury … Wikipedia
Iguanodon — Taxobox name = Iguanodon fossil range = Early Cretaceous image width = 250px image caption = Iguanodon bernissartensis skull regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida superordo = Dinosauria ordo = Ornithischia subordo = Cerapoda… … Wikipedia
Compsognathus — Eumetazoa Compsognathus Temporal range: Late Jurassic, 150 Ma … Wikipedia