- portable apparatus
• портативная аппаратура• портативный прибор
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
portable apparatus — nešiojamasis aparatas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. portable apparatus vok. tragbares Gerät, n rus. переносный аппарат, m; переносный прибор, m pranc. appareil, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Portable fuel cell applications — (or portable fuel cell power systems) are portable (Movable) fuel cell applications that are either used as micropower in consumer electronic devices to provide power or as portable power in emergency power systems for critical areas.Codes and… … Wikipedia
portable decontamination apparatus — nešiojamasis degazavimo prietaisas statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Lengvas prietaisas ginkluotės dalims greitai švarinti. Nešiojamąjį degazavimo prietaisą turi kiekviena mašina ar kita svarbi priemonė. Nešiojamąsis… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
Portable engine — A portable engine is a small steam engine, mounted on wheels or skids, which is used for driving machinery using a belt from its flywheel. It is not self propelled and is towed to the work site by horses or bullocks, or even a traction engine.… … Wikipedia
Portable media player — Sixth generation iPod A portable media player (PMP) or digital audio player, (DAP) is a consumer electronics device that is capable of storing and playing digital media such as audio, images, video, documents, etc. the data is typically stored on … Wikipedia
Portable stove — A Portable stove is a stove specially designed to be portable and lightweight, as for camping.The division of portable stoves into several broad categories is based on the type of fuel used in the stove: stoves that use solid or liquid fuel that… … Wikipedia
Fire apparatus — A fire apparatus, fire engine, fire truck, or fire appliance is a vehicle designed to assist in fighting fires, by transporting firefighters to the scene, and providing them with access, water or other equipment. In some areas, the terms fire… … Wikipedia
Quint (fire apparatus) — A quint, or quintuple combination pumper, is a fire service apparatus that serves the dual purpose of an engine and a ladder truck. The name quint is derived from the Latin prefix quinque , meaning five, and refers to the five functions that a… … Wikipedia
SCUBA apparatus — Self contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Self con*tained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, n. A portable device to allow divers to breathe while under water, consisting of one or two tanks of compressed air which are strapped onto the back of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Self-contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus — Self con*tained Underwater Breathing Apparatus, n. A portable device to allow divers to breathe while under water, consisting of one or two tanks of compressed air which are strapped onto the back of the diver, and are connected by tubing to a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gymnastics at the 1952 Summer Olympics — was represented by 15 events: 7 for women and 8 for men. All events were held between July 19 and July 24 in the Messuhalli building in Helsinki. Men s events were held in Exhibition Hall I while women s events were contested in the smaller… … Wikipedia