- porphyry copper
• вкрапленная медная руда• вторичные кварциты с вкрапленным медным оруденением• порфири-коппер
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Porphyry copper deposit — Porphyry copper deposits are copper orebodies which are associated with porphyritic intrusive rocks and the fluids that accompany them during the transition and cooling from magma to rock. Circulating surface water or underground fluids may… … Wikipedia
Porphyry copper ores — [ pɔːfɪrɪ kɔpə ɔːz, englisch], Disseminated copper ores [dɪ semɪneɪtɪd ], als hydrothermale Gang und v. a. Imprägnationslagerstätten auftretende Kupfererze (Kupferglanz, Kupferkies, Enargit u. a.). Die Erzvorkommen sind v. a. an die mesozoisch… … Universal-Lexikon
porphyry copper deposit — A large body of igneous rock, having distinct crystals in a relatively fine grained base, that contains chalcopyrite and other sulfide minerals. These deposits contain vast amounts of ore that averages a fraction of 1% copper by weight; although… … Universalium
porphyry copper — noun West : a large low grade disseminated copper deposit … Useful english dictionary
Copper mining in Arizona — Position of Arizona Location State Arizona … Wikipedia
Porphyry — (pronounced IPA|/ pɔː(ɹ)fɪri/, from the Greek polytonic|Πορφύριος porphyrios purple clad ) may refer to:*Porphyry (geology), a plutonic rock with large crystals in a fine grained matrix *Porphyry (philosopher) (c. 232 c. 305), a Neoplatonic… … Wikipedia
Copper mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — mainly takes place in the Copper Belt of the southern Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[1] Contents 1 Geology 2 History 3 Companies … Wikipedia
Copper mining in the United States — US primary copper production 1900 2008. Source: USGS … Wikipedia
Copper Flat Mine — The Copper Flat Mine (also classified as the Copper Flat Property, the Copper Flat Deposit, the Copper Flat Project, or simply as Copper Flat) is a former producing mine located in southwestern New Mexico that is currently in development. The… … Wikipedia
copper processing — Introduction use of smelting or leaching, usually followed by electrolytic refining or recovery, to turn the ore into a form from which products can be fashioned. Included in this article also is a discussion of the mining of copper and of its… … Universalium
Copper — For other uses, see Copper (disambiguation) … Wikipedia