porous flow

porous flow
пористый поток

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "porous flow" в других словарях:

  • Porous medium — A porous medium or a porous material is a solid (often called frame or matrix) permeated by an interconnected network of pores (voids) filled with a fluid (liquid or gas). Usually both the solid matrix and the pore network (also known as the pore …   Wikipedia

  • Porous Media —   A solid that contains pores; normally, it refers to interconnected pores that can transmit the flow of fluids. (The term refers to the aquifer geology when discussing sites for CAES.) …   Energy terms

  • Hele-Shaw flow — is the viscous flow of a fluid filling a narrow gap between two parallel plates (Hele Shaw cell). The interest of this flow lays in that it is mathematically analogous to that of a fluid through a porous medium, thus permitting to study it in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-phase flow — In fluid mechanics, two phase flow occurs in a system containing gas and liquid with a meniscus separating the two phases. Historically, probably the most commonly studied cases of two phase flow are in large scale power systems. Coal and gas… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiphase flow — In fluid mechanics, multiphase flow is a generalisation of the modelling used in two phase flow to cases where the two phases are not chemically related (e.g. dusty gases) or where more than two phases are present (e.g. in modelling of… …   Wikipedia

  • pyroclastic flow — ▪ volcanism       in a volcanic eruption, a fluidized mixture of hot rock fragments, hot gases, and entrapped air that moves at high speed in thick, gray to black, turbulent clouds that hug the ground. The temperature of the volcanic gases can… …   Universalium

  • Knudsen flow — describes the movement of fluids with a high Knudsen number, that is, where the characteristic dimension of the flow space is of the same or smaller order of magnitude as the mean free path. Separation processes using Knudsen Flow For a gas… …   Wikipedia

  • расходомерное сопло с отбором давления в стенке трубопровода porous — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN pipe wall tap flow nozzle …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • unsaturated flow —    1. The movement of water in a porous medium in which the pore spaces are not filled to capacity with water [22].    2. Two phase flow through pores only partially filled with water and air [16] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • GHEORGHIŢĂ — ROMANIA (see also List of Individuals) 14.5.1926 Bucureşti/RO 9.10.1978 Bucureşti/RO Ştefan I. Gheorghiţă graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnic as a mechanical engineer in 1950. He then joined as a faculty member the Department of Applied… …   Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

  • Constitutive equation — Many defining equations are in the form of a constitutive equation, since parameters of a property or effect associated matter are characteristic to the substance in question. A large number of other defining equations not specifically… …   Wikipedia

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