- porcellanite
- 1. петр. порцелланит 2. муллит, 3Al2O32SiO2 или 2Al2O3 SiO2
* * *• порцелланит• фарфоровая яшма
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Porcellanite — or porcelanite , is a hard, dense rock somewhat similar in appearance to unglazed porcelain. It is often an impure variety of chert containing clay and calcareous matter. [Porcellanite, Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.… … Wikipedia
porcellanite — ▪ rock also spelled porcelanite hard, dense rock that takes its name from its resemblance to unglazed porcelain. Frequently porcellanite is an impure variety of chert containing clay and calcareous matter; when of this nature it is… … Universalium
porcellanite — (por sèl la ni t ) s. f. Terme de minéralogie. Espèce de jaspe … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
porcellanite — A dense, siliceous rock formed as a indurated or baked clay or shale with a dull, light colored, cherty appearance, often found in the roof or floor of a burned out coal seam. GG … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
porcellanite — por·cel·la·nite … English syllables
porcellanite — ˈ ̷ ̷s(ə)ləˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: German porzellanit, from porzellan porcelain (from Italian porcellana) + it ite : a hard dense siliceous rock having the appearance of unglazed porcelain on fresh fractures … Useful english dictionary
Tievebulliagh — (Taobh Builleach) Tievebulliagh, May 2007. Fragments of porcellanite can be seen among the dolerite in the scree. Elevation … Wikipedia
History of Dublin to 795 — Dublin is Ireland s oldest town. It is also the largest and most populous urban centre in the country, a position it has held continuously since first rising to prominence in the 10th century (with the exception of a brief period in the late 19th … Wikipedia
Felsic — is a term used in geology to refer to silicate minerals, magma, and rocks which are enriched in the lighter elements such as silicon, oxygen, aluminium, sodium, and potassium. The term combines the words feldspar and silica. Felsic minerals are… … Wikipedia
Beaghmore — is a complex of early Bronze Age megalithic features, stone circles and cairns, 8.5 miles north west of Cookstown, County Tyrone in Northern Ireland, on the south east edge of the Sperrin Mountains. cite web | title=Beaghmore Stone Circles | work … Wikipedia
Temblor Range — The Temblor Range lies at the southwestern end of the San Joaquin Valley in California in the United States. It runs in a northwest southeasterly direction along the borders of Kern County and San Luis Obispo County. The name of the range is from … Wikipedia