
1. пруд; заводь; водоём 2. полынья 3. плёс; омут 4. залежь (напр. нефти)
beach pool пляжный плёс
closed pool замкнутая залежь
crystal pool водоём с кристаллами (стоячая вода в пещере, содержащая кристаллы кальцита)
deflection pool отклоняющая заводь (котловина, вырытая рекой перед преградой, где река изме няет своё направление)
developed pool разведенное месторождение
fresh water pool пресноводный бассейн
gas pool залежь газа
geyser pool гейзерное озеро
hot pool кипящее [горячее] озеро
mud pool грязевой котёл
oil pool нефтяная залежь
plunge pool 1. водобойное озеро 2. небольшой глубокий водобойный колодец (под водопадом или порогом)
productive pool продуктивное месторождение, продуктивная залежь
sulfur-mud pool грязевой котёл; грязевой гейзер
swash pool прибойная лагуна
terraced pool террасированная заводь (в зоне распространения рифов)
tide pool водоём, заполняемый приливом, приливная заводь
* * *
небольшой водоем
нефтяная площадь
нефтяное месторождение
озерко талой воды на льду

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "pool" в других словарях:

  • pool — pool …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • pool — [ pul ] n. m. • 1887; mot angl.→ 2. poule ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Groupement (de personnes physiques ou morales) assurant la gestion commune d une opération, de ressources, de moyens. ⇒ coopération; cartel, entente, groupe. Le pool charbon acier : la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Pool — may refer to: Bodies of water*Plunge pool, small, deep body of water *The River Pool, river in England, tributary to the River Ravensbourne *Reflecting pool, shallow pool of water designed to reflect a structure and its surroundings: **Capitol… …   Wikipedia

  • Pool — (dt. Becken) bezeichnet: ein Schwimmbecken oder Swimmingpool ein indisches Massemaß, 1 Pool = 45,359 Gramm Pool (Kongo), eine Region in der Republik Kongo im Pétanque bzw. Boule Spiel eine Anfangsformation (Vierergruppe einer Vorrunde). Bei… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pool — Pool, n. [F. poule, properly, a hen. See {Pullet}.] [Written also {poule}.] 1. The stake played for in certain games of cards, billiards, etc.; an aggregated stake to which each player has contributed a snare; also, the receptacle for the stakes …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pool — 1 n 1: an aggregation of the interests, obligations, or undertakings of several parties working together an insurance pool 2: a group of people available for some purpose see also jury pool pool 2 vt: to combine (as a …   Law dictionary

  • pool — pool1 [po͞ol] n. [ME < OE pol, akin to Du poel & Ger pfuhl, prob. ult. < IE base * bhel , to shine, glimmer] 1. a small pond, as in a garden 2. a small collection of liquid, as a puddle 3. SWIMMING POOL 4. a deep, still spot in a river ☆ …   English World dictionary

  • pool — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. TS econ., fin. aggregazione, coalizione di imprese operanti nello stesso settore economico, o in settori complementari, per l adozione di comuni politiche di mercato 2. TS econ. organismo internazionale… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Pool — Pool, n. [AS. p[=o]l; akin to LG. pool, pohl, D. poel, G. pfuhl; cf. Icel. pollr, also W. pwll, Gael. poll.] 1. A small and rather deep collection of (usually) fresh water, as one supplied by a spring, or occurring in the course of a stream; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pool — Ⅰ. pool [1] ► NOUN 1) a small area of still water. 2) (also swimming pool) an artificial pool for swimming in. 3) a small, shallow patch of liquid lying on a surface. 4) a deep place in a river. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • pool — s.n. Înţelegere temporară între întreprinderi privind stabilirea unor preţuri comune, a folosirii în comun a unor patente sau a influenţării cursului hârtiilor de valoare. [pron. pul. / < engl.. pool – asociaţie]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 28.07 …   Dicționar Român

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