- polypoid
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Polypoid — Pol y*poid, a. [Polyp + oid.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Like a polyp; having the nature of a polyp, but lacking the tentacles or other parts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) Resembling a polypus in appearance; having a character like that of a polypus. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polypoid — Resembling a polyp in gross features. SYN: polypiform. [polyp + G. eidos, resemblance] * * * pol·yp·oid päl ə .pȯid adj 1) resembling a polyp <a polypoid intestinal growth> 2) marked by the formation of lesions suggesting polyps… … Medical dictionary
polypoid — polyp ► NOUN 1) Zoology the sedentary form of an organism such as a sea anemone or coral, in some cases forming a distinct stage in the animal s life cycle. 2) Medicine a small growth protruding from a mucous membrane. DERIVATIVES polypoid… … English terms dictionary
polypoid — adjective see polyp … New Collegiate Dictionary
polypoid — see polyp … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
polypoid — /pol euh poyd /, adj. Pathol. resembling a polyp. [1835 45; POLYP + OID] * * * … Universalium
polypoid — adjective a) Resembling a polyp. b) Marked by the presence of lesions suggesting polyps … Wiktionary
polypoid — po|ly|po|id <Adj.> [zu ↑Polyp u. griech. oeide̅s = ähnlich] (Med.): polypenartig (z. B. von Schleimhautwucherungen) … Universal-Lexikon
polypoid — polypo|i̱d [↑Polyp u. ↑...id]: polypenähnlich (z. B. von Schleimhautwucherungen) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
polypoid — po|ly|po|id <zu ↑Polyp u. ↑...oid> polypenähnlich (z. B. von Schleimhautwucherungen; Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
polypoid — pÉ‘lɪpɔɪd / pÉ’l adj. resembling a polyp, similar to a polyp (abnormal growth on a mucous membrane) … English contemporary dictionary