- azonal peat
торф, образовавшийся под влиянием грунтовых вод
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
1938 USDA soil taxonomy — The 1938 USDA soil taxonomy was a soil classification system adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture, now obsolete. The classification system used previously was developed and published in 1936 by C.F. Marbut, who was chief of the… … Wikipedia
Andes Mountains — Mountain system, western South America. One of the great natural features of the globe, the Andes extend north south about 5,500 mi (8,850 km). They run parallel to the Caribbean Sea coast in Venezuela before turning southwest and entering… … Universalium
Páramo — Paramo redirects here. For the butterfly genus, see Paramo (genus).Páramo is a neotropical ecosystem. It is located in the high elevations, between the upper forest line (about 3800 m altitude) and the permanent snow line (about 5000 m). The… … Wikipedia
North German plain — The North German Plain is one of the major landscapes in Germany. The region is delimited by the coasts of the North Sea and Baltic Sea on the north and the central German uplands to the south.According to the German Federal Nature Conservation… … Wikipedia
North German Plain — Physical map of Germany. The North German Plain largely corresponds to the dark green surfaces north of the tan coloured low mountain ranges … Wikipedia