- point of support
точка подвеса
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
point of support — atramos taškas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Įsivaizduojamas taškas, kurį veikia atramos reakcijos jėgų atstojamoji; atramos atstojamosios jėgos vektoriaus pridėties taškas. atitikmenys: angl. point of support vok.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
point d'appui — [pwan dȧ püē′] n. 〚Fr〛 point of support, or base, as for a military operation * * * … Universalium
point d'appui — [pwan dȧ püē′] n. [Fr] point of support, or base, as for a military operation … English World dictionary
point d'ap|pui — «pwan da PWEE», French. 1. a secure position serving as a base for operations, as in war or diplomacy. 2. (literally) point of support … Useful english dictionary
point d'appui — point of support ; (formerly) base for military operations … Dictionary of difficult words
Support de fonction — Le support d une application est la partie du domaine de définition sur laquelle se concentre l information utile. Pour une fonction numérique, ce sera la partie du domaine où elle n est pas nulle et pour un homéomorphisme ou une permutation, la… … Wikipédia en Français
Point d'appui — Appui Ap pui , n. [F., fr. L. ad + podium foothold, Gr. ?, dim. of ?, ?, foot.] 1. A support or supporter; a stay; a prop. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] If a vine be to climb trees that are of any great height, there would be stays and appuies set to it … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
point d'appui — noun (plural points d appui) Etymology: French, literally, point of support Date: 1819 foundation, base … New Collegiate Dictionary
point-d'appui — n. Basis, point of support … New dictionary of synonyms
point d'appui — | ̷ ̷ˌda|pwē noun (plural points d appui) Etymology: French, literally, point of support : foundation, base; especially : a base from which a military operation can be carried on … Useful english dictionary
Support vector machine — Support vector machines (SVMs) are a set of related supervised learning methods used for classification and regression. Viewing input data as two sets of vectors in an n dimensional space, an SVM will construct a separating hyperplane in that… … Wikipedia