- pneumatic preparation
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
sample preparation — ▪ chemistry Introduction in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the processes in which a representative piece of material is extracted from a larger amount and readied for analysis. Sampling and sample preparation have a unique meaning and special … Universalium
Tire manufacturing — Pneumatic tires are manufactured according to relatively standardized processes and machinery, in around 450 tire factories in the world. Over 1 billion tires are manufactured annually, making the tire industry the majority consumer of natural… … Wikipedia
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
Foie gras — Pâté de foie gras redirects here. For the story by Isaac Asimov, see Pâté de Foie Gras (short story). Fat liver redirects here. For the medical condition, see Fatty liver. Foie gras with mustard seeds and green onions in duck jus … Wikipedia
Meillerwagen — Manufacturer Gollnow Son Assembly Germany Class trailer … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Accurizing — is the process of improving the accuracy of a firearm or airgun.cite web |url=http://saami.org/Glossary/index.cfm |title=SAAMI glossary |accessdate=2007 08 30] For firearms, accuracy is defined as the ability to hit exactly what you re aiming at … Wikipedia
harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled harbor any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… … Universalium
Humphry Davy — Sir Humphry Davy, Bt Portrait by Henry Howard, 1803 Born … Wikipedia
sculpture — sculptural, adj. sculpturally, adv. /skulp cheuhr/, n., v., sculptured, sculpturing. n. 1. the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the… … Universalium
Coupling (railway) — Knuckle (AAR Type E ) couplers in use ICE coupler A c … Wikipedia