- pluvial phase
плювиальная фаза
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pluvial — pluvial, iale, iaux [ plyvjal, jo ] adj. • 1530; n. m. « manteau liturgique » v. 1170; lat. pluvialis 1 ♦ Qui a rapport à la pluie. Eau pluviale : eau de pluie. Réservoir pluvial. Ruissellement, écoulement pluvial. Régime pluvial (d un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Africa — /af ri keuh/, n. 1. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 551,000,000; ab. 11,700,000 sq. mi. (30,303,000 sq. km). adj. 2. African. * * * I Second largest continent on Earth. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea,… … Universalium
Sahara pump theory — The Sahara Pump Theory explains how flora and fauna left Africa to penetrate the Middle East and beyond to Europe and Asia. African pluvial periods are associated with a wet Sahara phase during which larger lakes and more rivers exist. [cite… … Wikipedia
Holocene Epoch — formerly Recent Epoch Latest interval of the Earth s geologic history, dating from 10,000 years ago to the present. The younger of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period, the Holocene follows the last glacial stage of the… … Universalium
Quaternary glaciation — The Ice Age redirects here. For other uses, see Ice age (disambiguation). Last ice age redirects here. This term is also used for the last glacial period of the Quaternary glaciation. Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the Last Glacial Maximum … Wikipedia
North African climate cycles — have a unique history that can be traced back millions of years. The cyclic climate pattern of the Sahara is characterized by significant shifts in the strength of the North African Monsoon. When the North African Monsoon is at its strongest… … Wikipedia
Pleistocene Epoch — Earlier and longer of the two epochs that constitute the Quaternary Period. The Pleistocene began с 1.8 million years ago and ended с 10,000 years ago. It was preceded by the Pliocene Epoch of the Tertiary Period and followed by the Holocene… … Universalium
Tschadbecken — Staubsturm über dem Tschadbecken am 18. November 2004 Quelle: NASA Das Schari Logone Fl … Deutsch Wikipedia
playa — /pluy euh/, n. Western U.S. the sandy, salty, or mud caked flat floor of a desert basin having interior drainage, usually occupied by a shallow lake during or after prolonged, heavy rains. Cf. dry lake. [1850 55, Amer.; < Sp: shore < LL plagia;… … Universalium
ARIDE (DOMAINE) — Le domaine aride se définit à partir de critères climatiques: il correspond aux régions du globe caractérisées par un bilan hydrique déficitaire résultant, pour l’essentiel, de l’insuffisance des précipitations par rapport aux prélèvements de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Stone Age — the period in the history of humankind, preceding the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and marked by the use of stone implements and weapons: subdivided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. [1860 65] * * * First known period of… … Universalium