
1. смола; битум; пек 2. угол наклона; наклон; уклон 3. погружение; падение
across the pitch вкрест падения
across the steep pitch вкрест падения крутопадающего пласта
down the pitch вниз по падению
pitch of fold axis погружение оси складки
pitch of lineation погружение линейности
pitch of net slip склонение перемещения
pitch of ore body волнистое наклонное залегание рудного тела
pitch of ore shoot склонение рудного столба (угол между осью и простиранием жилы)
pitch of vein наклон жилы
bituminous pitch асфальтовая смола
cross pitch простирание
earth pitch минеральная смола, минеральный дёготь
elastic mineral pitch уст. элатерит
flat pitch 1. пологое падение 2. горизонтальное или близкое к горизонтальному залегание
glance pitch блестящая смола (разновидность асфальта)
heavy pitch крутое падение
jews pitch вязкий битум, пек
lake pitch озёрный тринидадский асфальт
land pitch низкокачественный тринидадский асфальт
light [medium] pitch пологое падение
mineral pitch уст. асфальт
seam pitch падение пласта
steep pitch крутое падение
stone pitch каменная [твёрдая] смола
tar pitch каменноугольная смола
transverse pitch 1. поперечное падение 2. поперечный наклон
Trinidad pitch тринидадский асфальт
* * *
залежь типа замещения трещины отдельности в известняке
испытывать килевую качку
наклонный прожилок
падение "по восстанию"
падение пласта
погружение оси антиклинали
угол падения складки

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "pitch" в других словарях:

  • Pitch — Pitch, n. 1. A throw; a toss; a cast, as of something from the hand; as, a good pitch in quoits. [1913 Webster] {Pitch and toss}, a game played by tossing up a coin, and calling Heads or tails; hence: {To play pitch and toss with (anything)}, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pitch — may refer to:In music: * Pitch (music), the property of a sound or musical tone measured by its perceived frequency ** Range (music), the distance from the lowest to the highest pitch a musical instrument can play ** Vocal range, the distance… …   Wikipedia

  • pitch — pitch1 [pich] n. [ME pich < OE pic < L pix (gen. picis) < IE base * pi , to be fat > FAT] 1. a black, sticky substance formed in the distillation of coal tar, wood tar, petroleum, etc. and used for waterproofing, roofing, pavements,… …   English World dictionary

  • Pitch — Pitch, n. [OE. pich, AS. pic, L. pix; akin to Gr. ?.] 1. A thick, black, lustrous, and sticky substance obtained by boiling down tar. It is used in calking the seams of ships; also in coating rope, canvas, wood, ironwork, etc., to preserve them.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pitch — Pitch, v. t. [OE. picchen; akin to E. pick, pike.] 1. To throw, generally with a definite aim or purpose; to cast; to hurl; to toss; as, to pitch quoits; to pitch hay; to pitch a ball. [1913 Webster] 2. To thrust or plant in the ground, as stakes …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pitch up — (informal) To arrive • • • Main Entry: ↑pitch * * * ˌpitch ˈup [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pitch up he/she/it …   Useful english dictionary

  • pitch|y — «PIHCH ee», adjective, pitch|i|er, pitch|i|est. 1. full of pitch; bituminous or resinous. 2. coated, smeared, or sticky with pitch. 3. of the nature or consistency of pitch; …   Useful english dictionary

  • pitch — pitch; pitch·blende; pitch·ered; pitch·er·ful; pitch·i·ness; pitch·er; pitch·fork; pitch·man; …   English syllables

  • pitch — Ⅰ. pitch [1] ► NOUN 1) the degree of highness or lowness in a sound or tone, as governed by the rate of vibrations producing it. 2) the steepness of a roof. 3) a particular level of intensity. 4) Brit. an area of ground marked out or used for… …   English terms dictionary

  • Pitch — (englisch: to pitch = werfen, neigen, stimmen; pitch = Tonhöhe, Neigungswinkel) bezeichnet: beim Sport: im Baseball einen Wurf, siehe Pitcher im Cricket einen Teil des Spielfelds, siehe Pitch (Cricket) im Golf einen Schlag, siehe Golfschlag… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pitch — Pitch, v. i. 1. To fix or place a tent or temporary habitation; to encamp. Laban with his brethren pitched in the Mount of Gilead. Gen. xxxi. 25. [1913 Webster] 2. To light; to settle; to come to rest from flight. [1913 Webster] The tree whereon… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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