- pigeonite
- пижонит, (Mg, Fe2+, Ca)(Mg, Fe2+)Si2O6; (Mg,Fe,Ca)(Mg,Fe)Si2O6
* * *пижонит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Pigeonite — is a mineral in the clinopyroxene group. It has a general formula of (Ca,Mg,Fe)(Mg,Fe)Si2O6 The calcium cation fraction can vary from 5% to 25%, with iron and magnesium making up the rest of the cations. Pigeonite crystallizes in the monoclinic… … Wikipedia
pigeonite — noun Etymology: Pigeon Point, northeast Minnesota + 1 ite Date: 1900 a monoclinic mineral of the pyroxene group … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pigeonite — De la famille des ortho pyroxènes, c est un silicate de la famille des inosilicates en chaine, ayant une solution non calcique variant d un pôle ferifère à un pôle magnésien. A un système cristallin orthorhombique. Est apparenté au groupe des… … Wikipédia en Français
pigeonite — /pij euh nuyt /, n. Mineral. a monoclinic variety of pyroxene consisting mainly of a mixture of (MgFe)SiO3 and CaMg(SiO3)2. [1895 1900; named after Pigeon Point, NE Minnesota; see ITE1] * * * … Universalium
pigeonite — noun any monoclinic pyroxene that is a mixed calcium, magnesium and ferrous silicate … Wiktionary
pigeonite — pi·geon·ite … English syllables
pigeonite — ˈpijəˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: Pigeon Point, northeast Minn. + English ite : a monoclinic mineral (Mg1Fe1Ca)2Si2O6 consisting of pyroxene with rather low calcium, little or no aluminum or ferric iron, and less ferrous iron than magnesium … Useful english dictionary
pyroxene — pyroxenic /puy rok sen ik/, adj. /puy rok seen, peuh , puy rok seen /, n. any of a very common group of minerals of many varieties, silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium, and other elements, occurring as important constituents of many kinds of… … Universalium
Pigeonit — Dünnschliff von Pigeonit und Augit (kräftig gefärbt) mit grauweißem Plagioklas aus dem Tipogorree Hills, Tasmanien, Australien (Sichtfeld 4,5 x 3 mm) Chemische Formel (Mg,Fe,Ca)2[Si2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Basalt — For the World War II raid, see Operation Basalt. For the cities, see Basalt, Colorado and Basalt, Idaho. Basalt Igneous Rock Composition … Wikipedia
Pyroxene — Figure 1: A sample of pyroxenite, a rock consisting mostly of pyroxene minerals. The pyroxenes are a group of important rock forming inosilicate minerals found in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. They share a common structure consisting of… … Wikipedia