- pick axe
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pick|axe — pick|ax or pick|axe «PIHK AKS», noun, verb, axed, axing. –n. a tool with a heavy metal bar, pointed at one or both ends, attached through the center to a wooden handle; pick. It is used for breaking and prying up earth, rocks, and other compacted … Useful english dictionary
pick|ax — or pick|axe «PIHK AKS», noun, verb, axed, axing. –n. a tool with a heavy metal bar, pointed at one or both ends, attached through the center to a wooden handle; pick. It is used for breaking and prying up earth, rocks, and other compacted or… … Useful english dictionary
Face like it's been on fire and someone put it out with a Pick-Axe handle — said about asthetically challenged person … Dictionary of Australian slang
face like it's been on fire and someone put it out with a pick-axe handle — Australian Slang said about asthetically challenged person … English dialects glossary
Axe — The axe, or ax, is an implement that has been used for millennia to shape, split and cut wood, harvest timber, as a weapon and a ceremonial or heraldic symbol. The axe has many forms and specialized uses but generally consists of an axe head with … Wikipedia
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords — In the Dungeons Dragons roleplaying game, Axe of the Dwarvish Lords refers to both a powerful magic item and to an adventure module focusing on the item.Within the context of the game as an item, the Axe is an artifact, or a unique magical weapon … Wikipedia
pick — English has two distinct words pick. The verb [15], which originally meant ‘pierce’ (a sense which survives in ‘pick holes in’), appears to come via Old French piquer from a Vulgar Latin *piccāre ‘prick, pierce’. Picket [17], which originally… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
pick — English has two distinct words pick. The verb [15], which originally meant ‘pierce’ (a sense which survives in ‘pick holes in’), appears to come via Old French piquer from a Vulgar Latin *piccāre ‘prick, pierce’. Picket [17], which originally… … Word origins
axe to grind — grievance to express, complaint, a bone to pick … English contemporary dictionary
Ice axe — An ice axe is a multi purpose mountaineering tool carried by practically every mountaineer. The narrow sense used here excludes ice tools for ice climbing.ComponentsAn ice axe consists of at least five components: *pick (1) mdash; a hooked or… … Wikipedia
Golden Axe (series) — The Golden Axe series is a well known side scrolling arcade hack n slash series developed by Sega. The series takes place in a medieval fantastic world where several heroes have the task of recovering the legendary Golden Axe, the mainstay… … Wikipedia