- permineralization
- сверхминерализация (отложение дополнительного минерального вещества в скелете ископаемых организмов)
* * *процесс замещения первичного вещества твердых частей скелета
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
permineralization — noun A form of fossilization in which minerals are deposited in the pores of bone and similar hard animal parts … Wiktionary
permineralization — … Useful english dictionary
Fossil — For other uses, see Fossil (disambiguation). Three small ammonite fossils, each approximately 1.5 cm across … Wikipedia
Calcium carbonate — Calcium carbonate … Wikipedia
Fossil wood — petrified softwood Fossil wood is wood that is preserved in the fossil record. Over time the wood will usually be the part of a plant that is best preserved (and most easily found). Fossil wood may or may not be petrified. The study of fossil… … Wikipedia
fossil — fossillike, adj. /fos euhl/, n. 1. any remains, impression, or trace of a living thing of a former geologic age, as a skeleton, footprint, etc. 2. a markedly outdated or old fashioned person or thing. 3. a linguistic form that is archaic except… … Universalium
permineralized — adjective fossilized by permineralization … Wiktionary
Permineralización — Los troncos fósiles del Parque Nacional del Bosque Petrificado se han conservado por procesos de permineralización silícea.[1] Se denomina permineralización al proceso … Wikipedia Español