- periclinal
- периклинальный
* * *• периклиналь• периклинальный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
periclinal — PERICLINÁL, Ă, periclinali, e, adj. (geol.) Referitor la periclin (2); care este situat în jurul suprafeţei axiale a cutelor scoarţei Pământului. – Din fr. périclinal. Trimis de cata, 21.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 periclinál adj. m., pl.… … Dicționar Român
périclinal — ● périclinal, périclinale, périclinaux adjectif Se dit de la terminaison d un pli dans la direction de son axe … Encyclopédie Universelle
periclinal — [ˌpɛrɪ klʌɪn(ə)l] adjective Botany 1》 (of a cell wall) parallel to the surface of the meristem. 2》 (of cell division) taking place by the formation of periclinal walls. Derivatives periclinally adverb Origin C19: from Gk periklinēs sloping on all … English new terms dictionary
periclinal chimaera — periclinal chimaera. См. периклинальная химера. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
periclinal — adjective (Botany) used to describe a type of cell division in a layer of cells that occurs parallel to an adjacent layer of cells … Wiktionary
periclinal — adj. (Geology) parallel to the surface; sloping downwards in all directions from a point (relating to a fold shown on a map as concentrically arranged contour patterns whose amplitude decreases to zero in a regular fashion in two directions) … English contemporary dictionary
periclinal — peri·cli·nal … English syllables
periclinal — /pɛriˈklaɪnəl/ (say peree kluynuhl) adjective parallel to the outer surface of a plant part …
periclinal — The orientation of cell wall or plane of cell division parallel to the reference surface … Glossary of Biotechnology
periclinal — adj. Geol. (of a mound etc.) sloping down in all directions from a central point. Etymology: Gk periklines sloping on all sides (as PERI , CLINE) … Useful english dictionary
periclinal chimera — 1. Genotypically or cytoplasmically different tissues arranged in concentric layers. 2. A chimera in which one or more layers of tissue derived from one graft member enclose the central tissue derived from the other member of the graft … Glossary of Biotechnology